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學(經)歷 | 成功大學 工業管理科學系 博士 |
學術專長 | 策略規劃、經營管理、績效評估、生產管理 |
專業證照 | 資訊工業策進會 乙級證照-資訊專業人員能力鑑定 |
授課科目 | (H5210006)工業管理、(N352A003)領導與管理專題 |
聯絡方式 | 分機:21901,E-mail: stliu@mail.vnu.edu.tw |
獲獎榮譽 | 1. 榮獲2023「終身科學影響力排名全球前2%頂尖科學家」 ( by Stanford University and Elsevier BV,全台灣共1669位學者獲選) 2. 榮獲「 2023年科學影響力排名全球前2%頂尖科學家」 ( by Stanford University and Elsevier BV) 3. 榮獲2022「終身科學影響力排名全球前2%頂尖科學家」 ( by Stanford University and Elsevier BV,全台灣共1579位學者獲選)) 4. 榮獲「 2022年科學影響力排名全球前2%頂尖科學家」 ( by Stanford University and Elsevier BV) 5. 榮獲2021「終身科學影響力排名全球前2%頂尖科學家」 ( by Stanford University and Elsevier BV,全台灣共1372位學者獲選)) 6. 榮獲「 2021年科學影響力排名全球前2%頂尖科學家」 ( by Stanford University and Elsevier BV) 7. 榮獲2020「終身科學影響力排名全球前2%頂尖科學家」 ( by Stanford University and Elsevier BV,全台灣共1479位學者獲選)) 8. 榮獲「2020 年科學影響力排名全球前2%頂尖科學家」 ( by Stanford University and Elsevier BV) 9. 93、94、96、99、102、104、107、110年度獲萬能科技大學研究卓越獎 10. 107-113年度國科會補助大專校院研究獎勵 11. 100-106年度國科會特殊優秀研究人才獎勵 12 2013, 2018, 2020 Best Reviewer Award, OMEGA Journal 13. 2022 Best Reviewer Award, Journal of the Operational Research Society |
研究計畫 | 研究計畫: (A)國科會專題研究計畫 1. 模糊Malmquist生產力指數之發展與應用 (MOST 113-2410-H-238-002) 2024.8.1~2025.7.31. 2. 模糊多年期與多生產階段資料包絡分析模式之發展與應用 (MOST 111-2410-H-238-001- MY2) 2022.8.1~2024.7.31. 3. 具群體決策功能之資料包絡分析模式發展與應用 (MOST 110-2410-H-238-002) 2021.8.1~2022.7.31. 4. 變動規模報酬下模糊交叉效率模式之發展與應用 (MOST 109-2410-H-238-003) 2020.8.1~2021.7.31. 5. 具排序型與區間型資料之網絡資料包絡分析模式發展與應用 (MOST 108-2622-H-238-001-MY2) 2019.8.1~2021.7.31 6. 模糊交叉效率評估模式之發展與應用 (MOST 106-2410-H-238-001-MY2) 2017.8.1~2019.7.31 7. 以交叉效率與變異數係數於決策單位績效之排序 (MOST 104-2410-H-238-002-MY2) 2015.8.1~2017.7.31 8. 具模糊資料與保證區域之多年期績效評估 (MOST 103-2410-H-238-005) 2014.8.1~2015.7.31 9. 以數學規劃法求解具粗略觀測值之樣本變異係數 (NSC 102-2416-H-238-005) 2013.8.1~2014.7.31 10. 模糊反向式幾何規劃之求解與應用 (NSC 101-2416-H-238-005-MY2) 2012.8.1~2014.7.31 11. 模糊兩階段資料包絡分析模式之效率值計算與排序 (NSC 100-2416-H-238-006) 2011.8.1~2012.7.31 12. 模糊投資組合最佳化問題之研究 (NSC 98-2416-H-238-004-MY2) 2009.8.1~2011.7.31 13. 粗略參數下二次規劃問題之求解與應用 (NSC 96-2416-H-238-002-MY2) 2007.8.1~2009.7.31 14. 模糊幾何規劃於模糊存貨利潤最大化之研究 (NSC 95-2416-H-238-004) 2006.8.1~2007.7.31 15. 以擴展法則為基求解模糊幾何規劃問題之研究(2/2) (NSC 94-2416-H-238-001) 2005.8.1~2006.7.31 16. 以擴展法則為基求解模糊幾何規劃問題之研究(1/2) (NSC 93-2416-H-238-005) 2004.8.1~2005.7.31 17. 以數學規劃法評比模糊品質機能展開之設計需求 (NSC 93-2416-H-238-009) 2004.8.1~2005.7.31 18. 不確定簇項式幾何規劃之研究 (NSC 92-2416-H-238-004) 2003.8.1~2004.7.31 19. 模糊訊號雜音比之求解與應用 (NSC 91-2416-H-238-001) 2002.8.1~2003.7.31 20. 應用排序函數求解模糊線性規劃問題 (NSC 90-2416-H-238-002) 2001.8.1~2002.7.31 21. 模糊數之相關係數隸屬函數解 (NSC 89-2213-E-238-009) 2000.8.1~2001.7.31 (B)國科會小產學合作計畫 1. 應用模糊交叉效率於人工智慧產品發展之評選 (NSTC 113-2622-H-238-001) 2024.6.1~2025.5.31 2. 以模糊訊號雜音比於生產製程規劃之評估 (NSTC 112-2622-H-238-001) 2023.6.1~2024.5.31 3. 不確定環境下應用群體決策技術於生產設施選用 (MOST 111-2622-H-238-001) 2022.6.1~2023.5.31 4. 應用廣義幾何規劃於車用電子業產品之設計 (MOST 110-2622-H-238-001) 2021.6.1~2022.5.31 5. 以差額變數為基礎的交叉效率評估方法評選先進製造技術設備 (MOST109-2622-H-238- 001-CC3) 2020.6.1~2021.5.31 6. 應用交叉效率與訊號雜音比於車用安全系統產品發展之評選 (MOST108-2622-H-238-001 -CC3) 2019.6.1~2020.5.31 7. 結合交叉效率及偏好整合法評選安全監控業供應商 (MOST 106-2622-E-238-001-CC3) 2017.6.1~2018.5.31 8. 以模糊網路資料包絡分析法於車用安全系統業之生產設備選用 (MOST 105-2622-E-238-001-CC3) 2016.6.1~2017.5.31 9. 以模糊變異係數於車用安全系統之生產製程評估 (MOST 104-2622-E-238-001-CC3) 2015.6.1~2016.5.31 10. 模糊環境下安全監視系統產品生產與銷售整合之規劃 (MOST 103-2622-E-238-001-CC3) 2014.6.1~2015.5.31 11. 應用模糊資料包絡分析保證區域模式於安全監控業之產品發展 (NSC 102-2622-E-238 -001-CC3) 2013.6.1~2014.5.31 12. 應用模糊幾何規劃於安全監視系統業之產品設計 (NSC 101-2622-E-238-002-CC3) 2012.6.1~2013.5.31 13. 應用精實六標準差改善安全監視系統業生產流程 (NSC 100-2622-E-238-004-CC3) 2011.6.1~2012.5.31 14. 應用模糊品質機能展開於安全監視系統業之產品設計評估 (NSC 99-2622-E-238-006-CC3) 2009.7.1~2010.6.30 15. 應用六標準差於安全監視系統業之新產品開發 (NSC 98-2622-E-238-007-CC3) 2009.7.1~2009.6.30 16. 以工作分解結構為基礎訂定研發專案時程 (NSC 97-2622-E-238-013-CC3) 2008.8.1~2009.7.31 17. 安全監視系統業綠色品質資訊系統之構建 (NSC 96-2622-E-238-007-CC3) 2007.5.1~2008.4.30 18. 安全監視系統業綠色產品資訊系統之規劃與構建 (NSC 95-2622-E-238-001-CC3) 2006.5.1~2007.4.30 19. 安全監視系統業資訊架構之規劃—以企業入口網站為基礎 (NSC 94-2622-E-238-004-CC3) 2005.5.1~2006.4.30 20. 安全監視系統業之電子化供應鏈系統之構建 (NSC 93-2622-E-238-006-CC3) 2004.5.1~2005.4.30 21. 安全監視系統業之企業資源規劃系統構建與導入 (NSC 92-2622-E-238-006-CC3) 2003.6.1~2004.5.31 22. 結合研發活動之企業資源規劃系統 (NSC 91-2622-E-238-008-CC3) 2002.6.1~2003.5.31 |
期刊論文 | 皆刊登或接受於SCI/SSCI期刊共66篇 1. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu*, 2022, Stochastic efficiencies of network production systems with correlated stochastic data: The case of Taiwanese commercial banks, Annals of Operations Research, 315, 1151-1174 (SCI, MOST108-2410 -H-238-002-MY2). 2. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2022, Group decision making in data envelopment analysis: A robot selection application, European Journal of Operational Research, 297, 592-599 (SCI, MOST108-2410 -H-238-002-MY2). 3. Shiang-Tai Liu* and Yueh-Chiang Lee, 2021, Fuzzy measures for fuzzy cross efficiency in data envelopment analysis, Annals of Operations Research, 300, 369-398 (SCI, MOST106 -2410-H-238-001-MY2). 4. Shun-Cheng Wu, Tim Lu, Shiang-Tai Liu, 2021, A fuzzy approach to support evaluation of fuzzy cross efficiency, Symmetry, 13, 882 (SCI, MOST 109-2410-H-238-003). 5. Chiang Kao, Rui-Zhi Pang, Shiang-Tai Liu, Xue-Jie Bai, 2021, Optimal expansion paths for hospitals of different types: Viewpoint of scope economies and evidence from Chinese hospitals, European Journal of Operational Research, 289, 628-638 (SCI, MOST108-2410 -H-238-002-MY2). 6. Chiang Kao, Rui-Zhi Pang, Shiang-Tai Liu, Xue-Jie Bai, 2021, Most productive types of hospitals: An empirical analysis, OMEGA, 99, 102310 (SCI, MOST108-2410 -H-238-002-MY2). 7. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2020, A slacks-based measure model for calculating cross efficiency in data envelopment analysis, OMEGA, 95, 102192 (SCI, MOST108-2410 -H-238-002-MY2). 8. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2019, Stochastic efficiency measures for production units with correlated data, European Journal of Operational Research, 273, 278-287 (SCI, MOST106-2410-H-238-001-MY2). 9. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2019, Cross efficiency measurement and decomposition in two basic network systems, OMEGA, 83, 70-79 (SCI, MOST104-2410-H-238-002-MY2). 10. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2018, A DEA ranking method based on cross-efficiency intervals and signal-to-noise ratio, Annals of Operations Research, 216, 207-232 (SCI, MOST104- 2410-H- 238-002 –MY2). 11. Tim Lu and Shiang-Tai Liu*, 2018, Fuzzy nonlinear programming approach to the evaluation of manufacturing processes, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 72, 183-189 (SCI, NSC102-2410-H-238-005) 12. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2016, A parallel production frontiers approach for intertemporal efficiency analysis: The case of Taiwanese commercial banks, European Journal of Operational Research, 255, 411-421 (SCI, 2012 IF=2.038, Ranking: 9/78 in ORMS). 13. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2016, Fractional transportation problem with fuzzy parameters, Soft Computing, 20, 3629-3636 (SCI, NSC101-2410-H-238-005-MY2) 14. Tim Lu and Shiang-Tai Liu*, 2016, Ranking DMUs by Comparing DEA cross-efficiency intervals using entropy measures, Entropy, 18(12), 452 (SCI, MOST104-2410 -H-238-002 -MY2) 15. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2016, A mathematical programming approach to sample coefficient of variation with interval-valued observations, TOP, 24, 1-18 (SCI, NSC102-2410-H-238-005) 16. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2014, Measuring performance improvement of Taiwanese commercial banks under uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research, 235, 755-764 (SCI, 2012 IF=2.038, Ranking: 9/78 in ORMS). 17. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2014, Restricting weight flexibility in fuzzy two-stage DEA, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 74, 149-160 (SCI, NSC100-2410-H-238-006, 2012 IF=1.516, Ranking: 16/42 in Industrial Engineering). 18. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2014, Multi-period efficiency measurement in data envelopment analysis: The case of Taiwanese commercial banks, OMEGA, 47, 90-98 (SCI, 2012 IF=3.024, Ranking: 3/78 in ORMS). 19. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2014, Fuzzy efficiency ranking in fuzzy two-stage data envelopment analysis, Optimization Letters, 8, 633-652 (SCI, NSC100-2410-H-238-006, 2012 IF=1.654, Ranking: 18/78 in ORMS). 20. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2012, Solution of fuzzy integrated production and marketing planning based on extension, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63, 1201-1208 (SCI, NSC100-2410-H-238-006, 2012 IF=1.516, Ranking: 16/42 in Industrial Engineering). 21. Chiang Kao, Shiang-Tai Liu, and Hwei Lan Pao, 2012, Assessing improvement in management research in Taiwan, Scientometrics, 92, 75-87 (SSCI, 2012 IF=2.133, Ranking: 7/84 in Information Science & Library Science). 22. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2011, A note on efficiency decomposition in two-stage data envelopment analysis, European Journal of Operational Research, 212, 606-608 (SCI, NSC98-2410-H-238-004-MY2, 2012 IF=2.038, Ranking: 9/78 in ORMS) 23. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2011, Fuzzy measures for profit maximization with fuzzy parameters, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 236, 1333-1342 (SCI, NSC98-2410-H-238-004-MY2, 2011 IF=1.112, Ranking: 62/245 in Applied Mathematics) 24. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2011, A fuzzy modeling for fuzzy portfolio optimization, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 13803-13809 (SCI, NSC98-2410-H-238-004-MY2, 2011 IF=2.203, Ranking: 5/77 in ORMS). 25. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2011, The Mean-absolute deviation portfolio selection problem with interval-valued returns, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 235, 4149-4157 (SCI, NSC98-2410-H-238-004-MY2, 2011 IF=1.112, Ranking: 62/245 in Applied Mathematics) 26. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2011, Efficiencies of two-stage systems with fuzzy data, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 176, 20-35 (SCI, 2011 IF=1.759, Ranking: 11/245 in Applied Mathematics) 27. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2011, Performance measurement of Taiwan financial holding companies: An additive efficiency decomposition approach, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 5674-5679 (SCI, 2011 IF=2.203, Ranking: 5/77 in ORMS). 28. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2010, Measuring and categorizing technical efficiency and productivity change of commercial banks in Taiwan, Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 2783-2789 (SCI, 2011 IF=2.203, Ranking: 5/77 in ORMS). 29. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2009, A revisit to quadratic programming with fuzzy parameters, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41, 1401- 1407 (SCI, NSC96-2416-H-238-004-MY2, IF=1.222, Ranking: 34/92 in Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications). 30. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2009, Stochastic data envelopment analysis in measuring the efficiency of Taiwan commercial banks, European Journal of Operational Research, 196, 312-322 (SCI, 2011 IF=1.815, Ranking: 6/77 in ORMS) 31. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2009, Quadratic programming with fuzzy parameters: a membership function approach, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 40, 237-245 (SCI, NSC96-2416-H-238-004-MY2, IF=1.222, Ranking: 34/92 in Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications). 32. Shiang-Tai Liu and Rong Tsu Wang, 2009, Efficiency measures of PCB manufacturing firms using relational two-stage data envelopment analysis, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 4935-4939 (SCI, 2011 IF=2.203, Ranking: 5/77 in ORMS). 33. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2009, Using geometric programming to profit maximization with interval coefficients and quantity discount, Applied Mathematics & Computation, 209, 259-265 (SCI, NSC95-2416-H-238-004, 2011 IF=1.317, Ranking: 44/245 in Applied Mathematics). 34. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2009, Slacks-based efficiency measures for predicting bank performance, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 2813-2818 (SCI, 2011 IF=2.203, Ranking: 5/77 in ORMS). 35. Shiang-Tai Liu and Mang Chung, 2009, Fuzzy efficiency measures in fuzzy DEA/AR with application to university libraries, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 1105-1113 (SCI, SCI, 2011 IF=2.203, Ranking: 5/77 in ORMS). 36. Shiang-Tai Liu and Chiang Kao, 2009, Matrix games with interval data, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 56, 1697-1700 (SCI, 2011 IF=1.589, Ranking: 9/42 in Industrial Engineering) 37. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2008, Posynomial geometric programming with interval exponents and coefficients, European Journal of Operational Research, 186, 17-27 (SCI, NSC94-2416-H- 238-001, 2011 IF=1.815, Ranking: 6/77 in ORMS). 38. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2008, Fuzzy profit measures for a fuzzy economic order quantity model, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 32, 2076-2086 (SCI, NSC95-2416-H-238-004, 2011 IF=1.579, Ranking: 19/92 in Mathematics, Interdisciplinary Applications). 39. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2008, A fuzzy DEA/AR approach to the selection of flexible manufacturing systems, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 54, 66-76 (SCI, 2011 IF=1.589, Ranking: 9/42 in Industrial Engineering) 40. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2007, Geometric programming with fuzzy parameters in engineering optimization, International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 46, 17-27 (SCI, NSC94-2416-H 238-001, 2010 IF=1.679, Ranking: 37/108 in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence). 41. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2007, Profit maximization with quantity discount: an application of geometric programming, Applied Mathematics & Computation 190, 1723-1729 (SCI, NSC95-2416-H-238-004, 2010 IF=1.534, Ranking: 29/204 in Applied Mathematics). 42. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2007, A computational method for the maximization of long-run and short-run profit, Applied Mathematics & Computation 186, 1104-1112 (SCI, NSC94-2416-H-238-001, 2010 IF=1.534, Ranking: 29/204 in Applied Mathematics). 43. Shiang-Tai Liu and Chiang Kao, 2007, Solution of fuzzy matrix games: an application of the extension principle, International Journal of Intelligent Systems 22 891-903 (SCI, 2008 IF=1.314, Ranking: 57/108 in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence). 44. Shiang-Tai Liu and Rong Tsu Wang, 2007, A numerical solution method to interval quadratic programming, Applied Mathematics & Computation 189, 1274-1281 (SCI, 2010 IF=1.534, Ranking: 29/204 in Applied Mathematics). 45. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2006, Posynomial geometric programming with parametric uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research 162, 345-353 (SCI, NSC92-2416-H-238-004, 2010 IF=2.158, Ranking: 6/74 in ORMS). 46. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2006, Computational method for the profit bounds of inventory model with interval demand and unit cost, Applied Mathematics & Computation 183, 499-507 (SCI, NSC93-2416-H-238-005, 2010 IF=1.534, Ranking: 29/204 in Applied Mathematics). 47. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2006, Optimization of a machining economics model with fuzzy exponents and coefficients, International Journal of Production Research 44, 3083-3104 (SCI, NSC93-2416-H- 238-005, 2010 IF=1.033, Ranking: 31/74 in ORMS). 48. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2006, A geometric programming approach to profit maximization, Applied Mathematics & Computation 182, 1093-1097 (SCI, 2010 IF=1.534, Ranking: 29/204 in Applied Mathematics). 49. Rong Tsu Wang and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2006, An economic machining process model with interval parameters, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 33 900-910 (SCI, NSC94-2416-H-238-001, 2008 IF=1.128, Ranking: 13/38 in Manufacturing Engineering, corresponding author). 50. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2006, Fuzzy total transportation cost measures for fuzzy solid transportation problem, Applied Mathematics & Computation 174, 927-941 (SCI, 2010 IF=1.534, Ranking: 29/204 in Applied Mathematics). 51. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2005, Rating design requirements in fuzzy quality function deployment via a mathematical programming approach, International Journal of Production Research 43, 497-513 (SCI, NSC93-2416-H-238-009, 2009 IF=0.803, Ranking: 51/73 in ORMS). 52. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2005, Fuzzy measures for fuzzy signal-to-noise ratios, Cybernetics and Systems 36, 151-163 (SCI, NSC91-2416-H-238-001, 2009 IF=0.780, Ranking: 12/19 in Computer Science: Cybernetics). 53. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2005, Data envelopment analysis with imprecise data: an application to Taiwan’s machinery firms, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 13, 225-240 (SCI, 2009 IF=1.147, Ranking: 64/102 in Computer Science: Artificial Intelligence, corresponding author). 54. Shiang-Tai Liu and Chiang Kao, 2004, Solving fuzzy transportation problems based on extension principle, European Journal of Operational Research 153, 661-674 (SCI, NSC89-2416-H006-020, 2009 IF=2.093, Ranking: 10/73 in ORMS). 55. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2004, Fuzzy geometric programming approach to a fuzzy machining economics model, International Journal of Production Research 42, 3253-3269 (SCI, NSC92-2416-H- 238-004, 2009 IF=0.803, Ranking: 51/73 in ORMS). 56. Shiang-Tai Liu and Chiang Kao, 2004, Network flow problems with fuzzy arc lengths, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B 34, 765-769 (SCI, NSC89-2416-H006-020, 2009 IF=3.007 Ranking: 2/19 in Computer Science: Cybernetics). 57. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2004, Predicting bank performance with financial forecasts: A case of Taiwan commercial banks, Journal of Banking and Finance 28, 2353-2368 (SSCI, 2009 IF=1.908 Ranking: 6/52 in Finance). 58. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2003, The total cost bounds of the transportation problem with varying demand and supply, OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science 31, 247-251 (SSCI). 59. Shiang-Tai Liu, 2003, Fuzzy activity times in critical path and project crashing problems, Cybernetics and Systems 34, 161-172 (SCI, NSC90-2416-H238-002). 60. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2003, A mathematical programming approach to fuzzy efficiency ranking, International Journal of Production Economics 86, 145-154 (SCI). 61. Shiang-Tai Liu and Chiang Kao, 2002, Fuzzy measure for correlation coefficient of fuzzy numbers, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 128, 267-275 (SCI). 62. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2001, Fractional programming approach to fuzzy weighted average, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 120, 65-74 (SCI). 63. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2000, Data envelopment analysis with missing data: an application to university libraries in Taiwan, Journal of the Operational Research Society 51(8), 897-905 (SCI, SSCI). 64. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 2000, Fuzzy efficiency measures in data envelopment nalysis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 113, 427-437 (SCI). 65. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 1999, Competitiveness of machinery firms: an application of fuzzy weighted average, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 29, 661-667 (SCI). 66. Chiang Kao and Shiang-Tai Liu, 1997, Operations research applications in Taiwan: A linguistic approach, European Journal of Operational Research 103, 628-634 (SCI). |
研討會論文 | 1. Shiang Tai Liu, 2012, The efficiency measurement and ranking of fuzzy relational data envelopment analysis, 2012 French Operations Research and Decision Making Conference, Angers, France (CD format). 2.Shiang Tai Liu, 2011, Measuring the efficiency change of Taiwan financial holding companies: A relational data envelopment analysis, 14th Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis Conference, Rome, Italy (CD format). 3. Shiang Tai Liu, 2010, Solving portfolio optimization problem based on extension principle, 23rd IEA/AIE, Conference on Operational Research, Cordoba, Spain (CD format). 4. Shiang Tai Liu, 2009, An efficiency decomposition approach to measure the performance of Taiwan financial holding companies, 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn, Germany (CD format). 5. Shiang Tai Liu, 2008, A relational DEA approach to measure the efficiencies of PCB Manufacturing firms, Flexible Automation & Intelligent Manufacturing 2008 Conference, Skövde, Sweden, 910-915. 6. Shiang Tai Liu, 2007, Solving quadratic programming with fuzzy parameters based on extension principle, 2007 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, London, United Kingdom (CD format, indexed as EI). 7. Shiang Tai Liu, 2006, A fuzzy geometric programming approach to a fuzzy economic order quantity model, 2006 International Conference on Fuzzy Sets and Soft Computing in Economics and Finance (FSSCEF), St. Petersburg, Russia, 80-90. 8. Shiang Tai Liu, 2005, Geometric programming with fuzzy exponents and coefficients, 17th IMACS World Congress Scientific Computation, Applied Mathematics and Simulation, Paris, France (CD format). 9. Shiang Tai Liu, 2004, Geometric programming with fuzzy parameters, Proceedings of the 17th European Meeting on Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vienna, Austria, 453-457. 10. Shaing Tai Liu, 2003, Optimization of fuzzy machining economics problem via fuzzy geometric programming, The 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Las Vegas, USA, 111-117. (CD format). 11. Shaing Tai Liu, 2003, Fuzzy total cost bounds for fuzzy solid transportation problem, Proceedings of the 10th IFSA World Congress (IFSA 2003), Istanbul, Turkey, 528-531. 12. Shiang Tai Liu, 2002, Critical path and project crashing with fuzzy activity times, The 7th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Busan, Korea, 64-67 (CD format). 13. Shiang Tai Liu, 2002, Signal-to-noise ratios using fuzzy numbers, Proceeding of the 9th Bellman Continuum and International Workshop on Uncertain Systems and Soft Computing, Beijing, China, 282-288. 14. Shiang Tai Liu, 2001, Minimum cost flow problems with fuzzy arc lengths, The 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics (SCI 2001) Orlando, USA (CD format). 15. Shiang Tai Liu, 2000, Correlation coefficient of fuzzy numbers: a membership function approach, Proceeding of International Workshop on Intelligent Systems Resolutions, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 240-244. 16. Shiang Tai Liu, 2000, Measuring the efficiency of Taiwan machinery firms: an application of fuzzy data envelopment analysis, Proceeding of the Sixth Pacific Management Conference, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 56-67. 17. 劉祥泰、高強,民國八十九年,模糊資料包絡法於銀行之經營績效預估,決策分析方法與應用研討會,台北銘傳大學,59-70。 18. 劉祥泰、高強,民國八十八年,分數規劃法求解模糊加權平均問題,中國工業工程八十八年年會,新竹清華大學。 19. 劉祥泰,民國八十八年,模糊資料包絡分析模式之技術與規模效率及對偶模式,第十四屆全國技職教育研討會,台南崑山技術學院,61-68。 20. 劉祥泰,民國八十七年,以模糊加權平均法評估機械業管理及技術水準,數量管理與應用研討會,台南成功大學,53-60。 21. 劉祥泰,民國八十七年,模糊資料包絡分析模式之效率改進解,中國工業工程八十七年年會,彰化大業大學。 |
專書 | 1. Chiang Kao and Shiang Tai Liu, 2007, Data Envelopment Analysis with Missing Data. In J. Zue and W.D. Cook (Eds), Modeling Irregularities and Structural Complexities in Data Envelopment Analysis. Springer: New York, 291-304. 2. Chiang Kao and Shiang Tai Liu, 2007, Predicting Bank Performance: A Distributional Approach. In L.M. Cornwall (Eds), New Developments in Banking and Finance. Nova Science Publisher: New York, 201-219. |
專利發明 | 1 |
展演 | 1 |
學(經)歷 | 國立中央大學-工業管理研究所 博士 元智工學院-工業工程所 碩士 |
學術專長 | 精密量測、品質量測技術、容差設計、統計方法應用與品質技術、服務業營收管理與績效評估 |
專業證照 | 中國工業工程學會 其他相關證照-工業工程師 中國工業工程學會 其他相關證照-生產與作業管理技術師 中國工業工程學會 其他相關證照-品質管理技術師 |
授課科目 | (G5210005)統計學、(Y5210105)校外實習_學期(一) |
聯絡方式 | 分機:61001、61638,E-mail: hclin@mail.vnu.edu.tw |
研究計畫 | (1) 林鴻欽 (計畫主持人),「應用Hamaker近似法檢定能力指標Cpk的程序與實務應用之執行」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告,計畫編號:NSC 92-2213-E-238-014,93年8月,執行期間:92年8月1日至93年7月31日。 (2) 林鴻欽 (計畫主持人),「根據子群製程數據評估製程能力指標Cpk之決策程序」,萬能科技大學專題研究計畫成果報告,計畫編號:VIT 93-IE-04,94年3月,執行期間:93年1月1日至93年12月31日。 (3) 林鴻欽 (計畫主持人),「考慮多樣組製程數據評估能力指標Cpmk保證製程產出績效」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告,計畫編號:NSC 93-2213-E-238-005,94年8月,執行期間:93年8月1日至94年7月31日。 (4) 林鴻欽 (計畫主持人),「結合管制圖於具有單邊規格界限與目標值製程之連續評估製程能力」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告,計畫編號:NSC 94-2213-E-238-006,95年8月,執行期間:94年8月1日至95年7月31日。 (5) 林鴻欽 (計畫主持人),「受限樣本數量製程變異估計與製程能力評估之研究」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告,計畫編號:NSC 95-2221-E-238-011,96年8月,執行期間:95年8月1日至96年7月31日。 (6) 林鴻欽 (計畫主持人),「基於多重樣本製程期望損失分配和推論性質與評估程序之研究(I)」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告,計畫編號:NSC 96-2221-E-238-008,97年8月,執行期間:96年8月1日至97年7月31日。 (7) 林鴻欽 (計畫主持人),「應用六標準差方法短期製程能力的評估及可靠度分析」,行政院國家科學委員會專題研究計畫成果報告,計畫編號:NSC 99-2221-E-238-012,執行期間:99年8月1日至100年7月31日。 |
期刊論文 | (1) Hung-Chin Lin, (2004). The asymptotic distributions of unified process capability indices. Communications in Statistics–Theory and Methods, 33(4), 909-918. (SCI). (2) Hung-Chin Lin, (2004). The measurement of a process capability for folded normal process data. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 24(3), 223-228. (SCI, EI). (3) Hung-Chin Lin, (2004). Variable sampling plans for normal distribution based on capability index Cpm. International Journal of Industrial Engineering–Theory, Applications, and Practice, 11(1), 25-34. (SCI, EI). (4) Hung-Chin Lin and Gwo-Ji Sheen, (2005). An approximation approach for making decisions in assessing the capability index Cpk from the subsamples. Communications in Statistics–Simulation and Computation, 34(1), 191-202. (SCI, EI). (5) Hung-Chin Lin, (2005). Using normal approximation for calculating the p-value in assessing process capability index Cpk. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 25(2), 160-166. (SCI, EI). (6) Hung-Chin Lin and Gwo-Ji Sheen, (2005). Practical implementation of the capability index Cpk based on the control chart data. Quality Engineering, 17(3), 371-390. (EI). (7) Hung-Chin Lin, (2006). Using normal approximation on testing and determining sample size for Cpk. Journal of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 23(1), 1-11. (TSSCI, EI) (8) Hung-Chin Lin, (2007). A normal approximation method for measuring process performance. International Journal of Industrial Engineering–Theory, Applications, and Practice, 14(1), 53-62. (SCI) (9) Hung-Chin Lin and Cai-Bi Zhu, (2008). Distributional and inferential properties of the process expected loss based on multiple samples. Journal of Quantitative Management, 5(2), 63-83. |
研討會論文 | (1) 陳正雄、林鴻欽*,職業棒球攻擊棒次安排之研究,中華民國工業工程學會八十八年度學術研討會,清華大學,臺灣新竹,中華民國,中華民國八十八年十二月十八日,CD-ROM。 (2) 陳正雄、林鴻欽*,組件不合格率事前Beta機率分配參數之估計,中華民國工業工程學會八十八年度學術研討會,清華大學,臺灣新竹,中華民國,中華民國八十八年十二月十八日,CD-ROM。 (3) 林鴻欽、薛慧淳、吳復強,應用製程能力指標Cpm評估具有目標值之製程能力,2000邁向二十一世紀品質管理技術應用研討會,義守大學,臺灣高雄,中華民國,中華民國八十九年十二月一日,CD-ROM。 (4) 林鴻欽、吳復強,討論戴明檢驗模式,2000邁向二十一世紀品質管理技術應用研討會,義守大學,臺灣高雄,中華民國,中華民國八十九年十二月一日,CD-ROM。 (5) Hung-Chin Lin, (2001). Sampling plans for evaluating process capability from the finite submitted lots. The Proceedings of the ICC&IE/IEMS 2001 Joint Meeting, Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA, March 5−7, 747−752. (6) Hung-Chin Lin, Lin, K. H. and Chao, Y. M., (2001). A Bayesian approach for analysis Cpm index. The Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering – Theory, Sheraton Fisherman Wharf, San Francisco, California, USA, November 18−20, CD-ROM. (7) Hung-Chin Lin, Chao, Y. M. and Lin, K. H., (2001). Process capability estimates from folded normal data. The Proceedings of the 6th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering – Theory, Applications, and Practice, Sheraton Fisherman Wharf, San Francisco, California, USA, November 18−20, CD-ROM. (8) Hung-Chin Lin, (2003). Evaluation of process capability based on testing process incapability index Cpp. The 32nd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, August 11-13. (9) Hung-Chin Lin, (2003). An implementation of the precision index based on the sample mean deviation. The 32nd International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland, August 11-13. (10) Hung-Chin Lin and Tse-Wei Yu, (2008). The reliability analysis of the process loss index based on control chart samples. 2008 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Engineering (ICINDE), Hing Kong, March 19-21. (11) 林鴻欽、朱彩碧,樣本數量受限下評估製程變異的準確性分析,2008企業經營管理研討會,開南大學,桃園縣桃園,中華民國,中華民國九十七年五月十五日。 (12) Hung-Chin Lin and Kun-Hung Lin, (2008) The reliability analysis of the process loss index based on control chart samples. International Conference on Business and Information (BAI2008), Seoul, S. Korea, July 7-9. (13) Hung-Chin Lin and Chao, P. C., Performance analysis of the estimated capability index based on subsamples,中國工業工程學會九十八年度年會暨學術研討會,逢甲大學,臺灣台中,中華民國,中華民國九十九年十二月十二日。 (14) Hung-Chin Lin and Han-Huai Liu, (2011) Accuracy analysis of the estimated process incapability index with multiple samples. The Proceedings of IIE Asian Conference 2011, Shanghai, China, June 10-12. (15) Hung-Chin Lin, (2011) Reliability analysis on evaluating process performance with sample information. 2011 International Conference on Financial Management and Economics (ICFME 2011), Hong Kong, China, July 2-3. |
學(經)歷 | 中原大學-機械工程所 博士 中原大學-機械工程所 碩士 萬能科技大學-企業管理系暨經營管理研究所 碩士 |
學術專長 | 職涯規劃、輔導,物流、供應鏈管理,電腦輔助設計、分析,自動化工程 |
專業證照 | 中華民國物流協會 其他相關證照-供應鏈管理專業認證 中華企業資源規劃學會 其他相關證照-國際物流e化系統應用師 高雄市航空貨運承攬商業同業公會 其他相關證照-航空貨運承攬技術認證 勞委會 乙級證照-電腦軟體應用技術士 |
授課科目 | (C5210007)基礎數學、(C524A101)校外實習_學年、(D5520006)全球運籌管理、(V521B003)職場實習與生涯輔導(一) |
聯絡方式 | 分機:20401、61632,E-mail: mlh@mail.vnu.edu.tw |
獲獎榮譽 | 二等服務榮譽章;行政院青年輔導委員會;職涯輔導工作;2009/02 職涯輔導三等服務榮譽章;行政院青年輔導委員會;職涯輔導工作;2007/01/29 93年度積極服務榮譽章;行政院青年輔導委員會;職涯輔導工作;2005/01/20 |
學(經)歷 | 國立清華大學-工業工程管理學系 博士 台灣工業技術學院-工業管理所 碩士 |
學術專長 | 人因工程、人機系統、工業安全與衛生、風險危害評估、設施規劃 |
專業證照 | 勞委會乙級證照-電腦軟體應用技術士 |
授課科目 | (C5220014)職業衛生、(H5230005)職業衛生、(V5210009)職業安全、(Y5240007)設施規劃 |
聯絡方式 | 分機:61643,E-mail: johnny@mail.vnu.edu.tw |
獲獎榮譽 | 1.92學年度學生專題競賽特優獎;萬能科技大學;;2004/3/24 2.第一屆萬能科技大學管理學院學生專題製作競賽優勝;萬能科技大學管理學院;2007/4/18 3.萬能科技大學管理學院學生專題競賽優勝;萬能科技大學管理學院;2008/3/27 4.萬能科技大學93學年度教學優良教師;萬能科技大學;2006/1/18 5.萬能科技大學96學年度教學優良教師;萬能科技大學;2009/6/16 6.2009年第3屆創新管理學術與實務研討會優良論文獎;萬能科技大學;2009/6/5 7.99年度全國技專校院學生實務專題製作競賽第二名;教育部;2010/6/5 8.2012全國技專校院-3D網路虛擬商店創業經營競賽」第二名及佳作;萬能科技大學;2012/11/21。 9.102學年度學生專題「3D虛擬展場配置型態與資訊呈現模式對空間知覺能力之影響研究」;系專題競賽第一名。 10.102學年度學生專題「3D虛擬展場配置型態與資訊呈現模式對空間知覺能力之影響研究」;院專題競賽第一名。 |
研究計畫 | 1.限制理論在企業導入ERP系統的應用;私-36-商-002;教育部案件(不含計劃型獎助案);2005/8/1;2005/12/31;468050 2.結合專家系統以提升二次警戒能力之電腦輔助訓練系統發;M-73-008;教育部案件(不含計劃型獎助案);2007/12/1;2008/8/31;294560 3.二次警戒度於自動化人員監控作業的績效評估與提升之研;91-2213-E-238-005;國科一般;2002/8/1;2003/7/31;446100 4.二次警戒度於自動化人員監控作業的績效評估與提升之研;92-2213-E-238-004;國科一般;2003/8/1;2004/7/31;398600 5.模糊控制警報按摩座椅設計--降低睏倦駕駛行為發生之研;93-2213-E-238-008;國科一般;2004/8/1;2005/7/31;481000 6.以警戒度模糊指標結合3D虛擬實境發展長時監控作業訓練;94-2622-E-238-023-CC3;國科產學;2005/11/1;2006/10/31;284000 7.高齡人口使用網路3D虛擬實境誘發網際空間症與預警系統;95-2221-E-238-005;國科一般;2006/8/1;2007/7/31;491000 8.高齡化考量之網路3D虛擬商店設計之探討(I);96-2221-E-238-018;國科一般;2007/8/1;2008/7/31;417000 9.高齡化考量之網路3D虛擬商店設計之探討(II);97-2221-E-238-013;國科一般;2008/8/1;2009/7/31;470000 10.3D虛擬商店臨場感對高齡人口誘發空間症候群之影響研究;98-2221-E-238-009;國科一般;2009/8/1;2010/7/31;511000 11.商品展示氛圍與控制模式對於高齡族群於3D虛擬商店消費行為之影響研究(I);99-2221-E-238-014-;國科一般;2010/8/1;2011/7/31;496000 12.商品展示氛圍與控制模式對於高齡族群於3D虛擬商店消費行為之影響研究(II);100-2221-E-238-012-;國科一般;2011/8/1;2012/7/31;474000 13.3D虛擬環境應用於手持式行動裝置產生之知覺像差與情境動式對高齡族群之行為影響分析;101-2221-E-238-001;國科一般;2012/8/1;2013/7/31。 14.高齡族群於手持式行動裝置瀏覽3D虛擬環境誘發知覺衝突之防暈智能設計;102-2221-E-238-004-;國科一般;2013.08.01 至 2014.07.31 15.擴增實境應用於3D虛擬展場對於高齡族群涉入性之影響研究;103-2221-E-238 -003;2014/08/01 至 2015/07/31 16.大園工業區化學、紡織及電鍍相關產業污染減量與能資源回收輔導;經濟部工業局;2014/03/10~2014/11/30 17.3D虛擬藝術展覽館應用於手持式行動裝置之展示型態與資訊顯示氛圍對於高齡參觀者感受度之影響分析。科技部一般計畫;MOST-104-2221-E-238-002-;2015/08/01 至 2016/07/31 18.大園工業區產業創新加值、防污、減廢與活化計畫;經濟部工業局;2015/03/10~2015/11/30 19.應用決策實驗室法與EIQ分析建構服飾業物流中心庫存管理最佳模式;科技部產學計畫;MOST 104-2622-E-238-005 -CC3;2015/11/01 至 2016/10/31 20.3D虛擬藝術館展覽意境與導覽介面對於高齡參觀者之沉浸感、涉入度與感受度之影響研究;科技部計畫 MOST 105-2221-E-238-002-; 2016/08/01至2017/10/31 21.以高齡消費者為導向並具備高效尋物與商品資訊功能之3D虛擬零售商店;科技部計畫MOST 107-2637-E-238-001; 2018/08/01至2019/10/31 22.以3D虛擬文化導覽情境和擴增實境建構初期失智症認知篩檢系統;科技部計畫MOST 108-2637-E-238-001; 2019/08/01至2020/07/31 23.以虛擬實境及模糊邏輯建構輕度認知障礙進程至阿茲海默症之預測系統;科技部計畫MOST 109-2221-E-238-001;2020/08/01至2021/07/31 24.以認知模式結合ROC評估法建構優化之虛擬實境認知功能訓練系統;科技部計畫MOST 110-2221-E-238 -002 ; 2021/08/01 ~ 2022/10/31 25.以中高齡消費者為考量之類元宇宙虛擬商店互動式介面設計與評估;科技部計畫MOST 111-2221-E-238 -002; 2022/08/01 ~ 2023/07/31 26.類元宇宙虛擬商店主動式虛擬空間症防禦智能設計;國科會計畫:NSTC 112-2221-E-238-002; 2023/08/01~2024/10/31。 27.建構空間導向為基之虛實評估環境以獲致初發性輕度知能障礙者腦部退化之特性與預測模型;國科會計畫 NSTC 113-2221-E-238-001; 2024/08/01~2025/07/31。 |
期刊論文 | 50. Liu, C. L.*, Uang, S. T. (2024, Jul). An approximate metaverse virtual store designed for reducing cybersickness in middle-aged consumers. Human Factors in Aging and Special Needs, 133, 91-97. 49. Liu, C. L.*, Chuang, C. J. & Chou, C. M. (2023). A pilot fuzzy system with virtual reality for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) assessment. healthcare, 11(18), 2503, 1-27. (SSCI) 48. Liu, C. L.,* Chuang, C. J. & Su, K. W. (2023). A fuzzy system for forecasting mild cognitive impairment. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 759, 719-724. 47. Liu, C. L.,* Su, K. W. (2023). A Virtual Training System Based on Human Information Processing Model for Improving Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). Healthcare and Medical Devices, 79, 95-102. 46. Liu, C. L.*, Uang, S. T. (2022). The cross-zone navigation and signage systems for combatting cybersickness and disorientation in middle-aged and older people within a 3D virtual store. Applied Sciences, 12(19), 9821 (1-19). (SCIE) 45. Liu, C. L.* & Chang, S. R. (2021). A pilot tool of the virtual scenario initial dementia cognitive screening (VSIDCS) with a cultural exhibition for improving the standard traditional test. healthcare, 9, 1160 (1-20). (SSCI) 44. Liu, C. L.*, Lin, P. H., Su, K. W. (2021). A study of the effects of spatial arrangements and interactive medias on presence, involvement and emotion in senior visitors within a virtual art gallery. International Journal of Science and Research, 10(8), 152-162. 43. 劉正禮*,賴孟賢,陳銘哲(2020)。結合跨域導航與標示系統對於中高齡消費者於3D虛擬零售商店之應用性評估。人因工程學刊。 42. Liu, C. L.*, Su, K. W. & Uang, S. T. (2019). The effects of layout types and spatial information display types on presence and spatial identification for the elderly in the 3D virtual art gallery. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 10(9),3439-3451. (SCIE) 41. 陳亭志,劉正禮,蘇國瑋,鄭辰仰,王玉城(2018年07月)。工業工程概念與技術於情境智能之應用。管理與系統,第25卷;第三期;367-379頁。(TSSCI)。 40. Liu, C. L.*, Su, K. W. & Uang, S. T. (2018, Oct). The effects of layout types and spatial information display types on presence and spatial identification for the elderly in the 3D virtual art gallery. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing (SCIE), Published online, DOI: 10.1007/s12652-018-1061-3. (SCIE). 39. Liu, C. L.*, Uang S. T., Kuo, S. C. (2018, Oct). An Intelligent fuzzy control system with adapted interval for improving the supervisory performance in automation. Operational Research, 18(30), 689-709. (SCIE). 38. Su, K. W.*, Liu, C. L., Wang, Y. W. (2018, Oct). A principle of designing infographic for visualization representation of tourism social big data . Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, Published online, DOI 10.1007/s12652-018-1104-9. (SCIE). 37.Liu. C. L.* (2017, Sep). The impact of the ambient conditions on the desire to stay for the elderly in 3D virtual store. Ergonomics International Journal, 1(2), 0001101-0001107. 36.Liu, C. L.*, Uang, S. T. (2016, Dec). Effects of depth perception cues and display types on presence and cybersickness in the elderly within a 3D virtual store. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 7(6), 763-775. (SCIE). 35.Uang, S. T., Liu, C. L. (2016, Jul). The usage of a modified musculoskeletal checklist in identifying physical design needs for the elderly. International Journal of Psychology, 51, 49-49. (SSCI). 34.Liu, C. L.* (2014, Dec). A study of detecting and combating cybersickness with fuzzy control for the elderly within 3D virtual stores. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 72, 796-804. (SSCI). 33.Uang, S. T*., Liu, C. L. (2013, Jul). The Development of an Innovative Design Process for Eco-efficient Green Products. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8006, 475–483. (EI). 32.Liu C. L.*, Uang S. T. (2013, Jul). A Study of the Effects of Display Atmospherics and Control Mode of 3D Virtual Store on Consumer Behavior in the Elderly. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8024, 51-59. (EI). 31.Liu, C. L*., Uang, S. T. (2013, Jan). An Efficient Control System for Combating Cybersickness in the Elderly within a Virtual Store.. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 284-287, 3221-3225. (EI). 30.Su, K. W. & Liu, C. L.* (2012). A mobile nursing information system based on human-computer interaction design for improving quality of nursing. Journal of Medical Systems, 36(3), pp. 1139-1153. [SCI]. 29.Liu, C. L*. (2012, 7). A Study of Sickness Induced by Perceptual Conflict in the Elderly within a 3D Virtual Store and Avoidance. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 7367, pp. 422-430. [EI]. 28.Liu, C. L*., Uang, S. T. (2012, 11). An Efficient Control System for Combating Cybersickness in the Elderly within a Virtual Store. Applied Mechanics and Materials (EI). 27.Liu, C. L.* & Chen C. H. A study of sickness induced in the elderly interaction within a 3D virtual store and combated with fuzzy sets. Procedia Engineering, in press. [EI]. 26.Uang, S. T*. & Liu, C. L. (2011, 7). A Product Design Approach by Integrating Axiomatic Design and TRIZ. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6764, pp. 225-233. [EI]. 25.Liu, C. L*. & Uang, S. T. (2011, 7). Effects of presence on causing cybersickness in the elderly within a 3D virtual store. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6764, pp. 490-499. [EI]. 24.Su,K. W., Liu, C. L. & Lee, C. C. (2011,7). A Mobile Flight Case Learning System for ATC Miscommunications, Safety Science. [SCI]. 23.Liu, C. L*, Su, K. W. (in press). A design of collaborative learning system based on PDA for improving performance of real-time learning. In Parsons, D. (Ed.) Combining E-Learning and M-Learning: New Applications of Blended Educational Resources. Hershey, PA: IGI Globa. 22.劉正禮*,(2010, 10),高齡化考量之網路3D虛擬商店設計之探討(I),工程科技通訊,第108期,139-143頁。 21.Su, K. W. & Liu, C. L.* (2010,9). A mobile nursing information system based on human-computer interaction design for improving quality of nursing. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, pp. 1-15, published on line. [SCI] 20.Liu, C. L*., Uang, S. T. (2010, 9). A neuro-fuzzy control alarm on momentum of driving behavior for detecting and combating driver fatigue. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 27, pp. 379-393. [EI, TSSCI] 19.Liu, C. L*. (2010,7). The impact of goods-classification and landmarks for spatial knowledge and goods-finding in the elderly within a 3D virtual store. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, pp. 1777-1786. [SSCI]. (國科會計畫編號:NSC95-2221-E-238-005). 18.劉正禮*, 汪孝慈,張振豪, (2009,12) 隱含地標與實體地標對於3D虛擬商店空間認知模式形成之研究,人因工程學刊,第十一期,13-24頁。(國科會計畫編號:NSC96-2221-E-238-018). 17.劉正禮*,汪孝慈, (2009, 7) 以圖形知識為基建構二次警戒監控電腦輔助訓練系統之研究,萬能商學學報,第十四期,191-208頁(2009年第三屆創新管理學術與實務研討會優良論文獎)。 16.汪孝慈*,劉正禮, (2009, 3) 直管螢光燈以燈套配光之可行性探討, 照明學刊, 第二十六卷第一期, 11-25頁。(國科會計畫編號:NSC96-2221-E-159-014). 15.Uang, S. T*., Liu, C. L. and Chang, M. (2009, 7). The Effects of an Anti-glare Sleeve Installed on Fluorescent Tube Lamps on Glare and Reading Comfort. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5612, pp. 544-553. [EI]. (國科會計畫編號:NSC97-2221-E-159-012). 14.Liu, C. L*., Uang, S. T. and Chang, C.H. (2009, 7). Goods-Finding and Orientation in the Elderly on 3D Virtual Store Interface: The Impact of Classification and Landmarks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5610, pp. 474-483. [EI]. (國科會計畫編號:NSC97-2221-E-238-005). 12.Liu, C. L*. (2009). Countering the loss of extended vigilance in supervisory control using a fuzzy logic model. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 39, pp. 924-933. [SSCI: Rank Factor 9/14]. (國科會計畫編號:NSC95-2221-E-238-005). 11.Liu, C. L*. (2009). A neuro-fuzzy warning system for combating cybersickness in the elderly caused by the virtual environment on a TFT-LCD. Applied Ergonomics, 40, pp. 316-327. [SSCI: Rank Factor 5/14]. (國科會計畫編號:NSC96-2221-E-238-018). 10.蘇國瑋*,劉正禮, (2007, 6) 行動商務之人機互動與跨異質介面研究-以網路書店為例,電子商務研究,第五卷第二期, 227-254(國立台北大學出版品獎勵頭等獎)。 9.Uang, S. T*. and Liu, C. L. (2007, 7). Design implications of simultaneous contrast effects under different viewing conditions. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4554, pp. 805-811. [EI] 8.Liu, C. L*. and Uang, S. T. (2007, 7). Measurement and prediction of cybersickness on older users caused by a virtual environment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4555, pp. 666-675. [EI]. (國科會計畫編號:NSC95-2221-E-238-005). 7.汪孝慈*,劉正禮, (2007, 6) 亮度錯覺現象之探討, 照明學刊, 第二十四卷第二期, 1-9頁。 6.汪孝慈*,劉正禮, 高翊倫(2007, 3) 投影光通亮和環境照度對亮度差異閾影響之研究, 人因工程學刊,第九卷第一期, 65-74頁。(國科會計畫編號:NSC94-2213-E-159-005). 5.Liu, C. L*. & Su, K. W. (2006, 9). A Fuzzy Logical Vigilance Alarm System for Improving Situation Awareness and Trust in Supervisory Control. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 16(3), pp. 409-426. [SSCI: Rank Factor 11/14]. (國科會計畫編號:NSC93-2213-E-238-008). 4.Liu, C. L*., Uang, S. T. & Su, K. W. (2005,12).A Quantitative Vigilance Measuring Model by Fuzzy Sets Theory in Unlimited Monitoring Task, Industrial Engineering and Management System, 4(2), pp. 176-183. (國科會計畫編號:NSC93-2213-E-238-008). 3.Liu, C. L. & Hwang, S. L*. (2001,9). The Design of a Fuzzy Logical Vigilance Performance Alarm System for Automation Supervisory Control Tasks. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (工業工程學刊), 18(5), pp. 76-86. 2.Liu, C. L. & Hwang, S. L*. (2000,12). A Performance measuring Model for Dynamic Quality Characteristics of Human Decision-making in Automation. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science. 1(3), pp. 231-247. 1.Liu, C. L. & Hwang, S. L*. (2000). Evaluating the Effects of Situation Awareness and Trust with Robust Design in Automation. International Journal of Cognitive Ergonomics, 4(2), pp. 125-144. |
研討會論文 | 1.劉正禮, (1997,2).提升校務行政績效—建立行政業務流程標準化之研究,第12屆全國技術及職業教育研討會,商業類I,pp. 147-152. 2.劉正禮,黃雪玲,蘇國瑋, (2000,3).監控行為於自動化作業之動態量化評估之研究,2000年人因工程學會暨國科會相關計畫研究成果研討會論文集,pp. 270-275.(國科會計畫編號:89-2213-E007-133) 3.蘇國瑋,劉正禮, (2000,3).都會型大眾捷運系統之噪音問題研究,2000年人因工程學會暨國科會相關計畫研究成果研討會論文集,pp. 107-112. 4.劉正禮,汪孝慈, (2001,12). 從警戒度探討以S/N比建構反應偏差指標之績效,中國工業工程學會九十年度年會論文集。 5.劉正禮, (2003,12). 應用模糊邏輯函數建構二次警戒度評估績效模式,中國工業工程學會九十二年度年會論文集。(國科會計畫編號:NSC92-2213-E-238-004)。 6.劉正禮,(2004,4). 從警戒度探討以模糊邏輯建構反應偏差指標之績效,中華民國人因工程學會十一週年慶暨研討會論文集。(國科會計畫編號:NSC92-2213-E-238-004) 7.劉正禮,(2004,12). 長途駕駛動態行為分析,中國工業工程學會九十三年度年會論文集。(國科會計畫編號:NSC93-2213-E-238-008)。 8.劉正禮,張振豪, (2008,12). 3D網路虛擬商店認知模式之研究,中國工業工程學會九十七年度年會論文集。(國科會計畫編號:NSC96-2221-E-238-018)。 9.劉正禮,張振豪, (2009,3).實體地標與隱含地標對於高齡人口在3D虛擬商店空間認知模式形成之研究,第十六屆人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會。 10.Liu, C. L. & Hwang, S. L. (1999,10). Application of Quality Engineering to Evaluate the Effects of Situation Awareness and Trust in Automation System. 1999 IEEE International Conference proceedings on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. [EI] 11.Liu, C. L., Hwang, S. L. & Uang, S. T. (2000,5). Performance Measures for Dynamic Characteristics of Human Decision-Making in Automation. The sixth International Conference on Automation Technology, Proceedings, pp. 1065-1070. 12.Liu, C. L., Hwang, S. L. & Uang, S. T. (2000,12). Improving the Automation system operating performance (ASOP) with Robust Design & Fuzzy Control. The 5th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering – Theory, Applicnations, and Practice. (國科會計畫編號:89-2213-E007-133) 13.Uang, S. T., Hwang, S. L. & Liu, C. L. (2000,7). A comparison of In-Vehicle Navigation Systems in Virtual Driving Environments. The 5th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering – Theory, Applicnations, and Practice. 14.Uang, S. T., Hwang, S. L. & Liu, C. L. (2000,8). A Study on Driving Detection Performance by Virtual-Environment Technologies. Proceedings of the IEA 2000/HFES 2000 Congress, pp. 3-328 - 3-331. [EI] 15.Liu, C. L., Hwang, S. L. & Uang, S. T. (2001,7). Application of Fuzzy Logic Technique on Improving Vigilance Performance in cognition Processing. The 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informaics AND 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis. (國科會計畫編號:89-2213-E007-133) 16.Uang, S. T., Hwang, S. L. & Liu, C. L. (2001,7). Does the Hands-Free Mobile Phone Facilitate or Impede Driving Performance? The 5th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informaics AND 7th International Conference on Information Systems Analysis and Synthesis. 17.Liu, C. L., & Uang, S. T. (2002,7). A Fuzzy Artificial Alarm by using S/N Ratio for Improving Sustained Attention in Automation Monitoring. The Proceedings of the 9th Bellman Continuum International Workshop on Uncertain Systems and Soft Computing. pp. 221-227. 18.Liu, C. L. (2002,10). A Quantitative Vigilance Performance-Measuring Model (QVPMM) with S/N Ratio on Monitoring Task. The Proceedings of 7th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice. pp. 56-59. (國科會計畫編號:NSC91-2213-E-238-005) 19.Uang, S. T., & Liu, C. L. (2002,12). The Effect of a Distance Warning System on Driving performance and Road Safety. The 4th Asia- Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems. (國科會計畫編號:NSC91-2213-E-159-010) 20.Liu, C. L., & Uang, S. T. (2002,12). The Effective Response Bias for Using in Evaluating Performance in Vigilance Tasks. The 4th Asia- Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems. (國科會計畫編號:NSC91-2213-E-238-005) 21.Liu, C. L. (2003,6). The Study of the Second Vigilance by S/N Ratio and Extension Analysis. Human-Computer Interaction International 2003 and the affiliated Conferences. (國科會計畫編號:NSC91-2213-E-238-005) 22.Liu, C. L. (2003,6). The Interface Design of Alarm Signals for Improving the Performance of the Second Vigilance. Human-Computer Interaction International 2003 and the affiliated Conferences. (國科會計畫編號:NSC91-2213-E-238-005) 23.Uang, S. T. and Liu, C. L. (2003,8). The Effects of Lateral Position Warnings on Driving Performance and Road Safety, Proceedings of The XVth Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association. 24.Liu, C. L. and Uang, S. T. (2004,12). A Quantitative Vigilance Measuring Model by Fuzzy Sets Theory. Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. (國科會計畫編號:NSC93-2213-E-238-008) 25.Uang, S. T., Kao, Y. L. and Liu, C. L. (2004,12). The Effects of Luminance Levels and Colors on Chromatic Perception. Proceedings of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. 26.Liu, C. L. and Uang, S. T. (2005,7). The fuzzy control interface design of massage seat for alerting drowsy drivers. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. (國科會計畫編號:NSC93-2213-E-238-008) 27.Uang, S. T. and Liu, C. L. (2005,7). From experience economy, brand image, to user interface development. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 28.Uang, S. T., Liu, C. L. and Kao, Y. L. (2006,7). The effects of the projection environmental factors on the brightness perception. Proceedings of the 16th World Congress on Ergonomics. Maastricht, Netherlands. 29.Liu, C. L. (2006,12). The study of the second vigilance in unlimited tasks. The Seventh Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. (國科會計畫編號:NSC95-2221-E-238-005) 30.Lai, R. L. and Liu, C. L. (2006,12). A fuzzy control massage seat for awaking drowsy drivers. The Seventh Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. (國科會計畫編號:NSC95-2221-E-238-005). 31.Liu, C. L. and Uang, S. T. (2007, 12). Fatigue Driving Detecting Model based on Momentum Indices and Neural-Fuzzy Approach. Proceedings of 2007 IEEE on IEEM, pp. 500-504. [EI] 32.Uang, S. T., Liao, W. P. and Liu, C. L. (2007,12). Measurement of the projecting photometric uniformity and subjective evaluation of color perception. The Eighth Asia-Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Systems Conference. 33.Liu, C. L. and Uang, S. T. (2008,5). A detecting system based on fuzzy sets for combating driver fatigue. International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference. (國科會計畫編號:NSC96-2221-E-159-014). 34.Liu, C. L., Uang, S. T., Lai R. L. and Chen, C. H. (2008, 6). A fuzzy control massage seat based on momentum index for combating driver fatigue. International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control. (國科會計畫編號:NSC96-2221-E-238-018). 35.Liu, C. L., Lai, R. L. and Chen, C. H. (2010, 8). Development of a Neuro-Fuzzy Integrating Multi-Tendency Indices System for countering Driver Fatigue. 2010 IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation. (國科會計畫編號:NSC98-2221-E-238-009). 36.Liu, C. L. and Su, K. W. (2010,1). A fuzzy logic model for improving performance of extended vigilance automation supervisory task. 2010 International Conference on Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Technologies. [EI] (國科會計畫編號:NSC98-2221-E-238-009). 37.Liu, C. L*., Uang, S. T. (2011, 7). Effects of presence on causing cybersickness in the elderly within a 3D virtual store. 2011 International Conference on HCII. [EI]. Uang, S. T*., Liu, C. L.. (2011, 7). A Product Design Approach by Integrating Axiomatic Design and TRIZ. 2011 International Conference on HCII. [EI]. 38.Liu, C. L.*, Chen C. H. A study of sickness induced in the elderly interaction within a 3D virtual store and combated with fuzzy sets. Procedia Engineering, in press. [EI]. 39.劉正禮,張新瑞, (2011,12).商品展示氛圍與控制模式對於高齡族群於3D虛擬商店消費行為之影響研究,2011中國工業工程學會年會暨學術研討會論文集。 40.王麗筠,劉正禮*,(2012, 3),3D虛擬商店展示氛圍對使用者空間尋物能力與知覺衝突之研究,第19屆人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會。 41.Liu, C. L.* & Uang S.T. (2012, 5). A Study of Sickness Induced Within a 3D Virtual store and Combated with Fuzzy Control in the Elderly. Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Fuzzy System and Knowledge Discovery. [EI]. 42.王麗筠,劉正禮*(2012, 6),考量最小購物知覺衝突之3D虛擬商店最佳佈置與資訊配置策略,第六屆創新管理學術與實務研討會。 43.Liu, C. L. (2013, Jul). Evaluating and improving the side effects of cybersickness in the elderly within a 3D virtual store. The 1st International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia , Taichung, Taiwan. 44.Liu C. L.*, Uang S. T. (2014, Jul). Effects of depth perception cues and display types on presence in the elderly within a 3d virtual store. The 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics AHFE 2014, 波蘭,克拉科. 45.劉正禮,汪孝慈(2014年12月)。3D虛擬環境應用於手持式行動裝置產生之知覺像差與情境動式對高齡族群之行為影響分析。中國工業工程學會103年度年會暨學術研討會。 46.劉正禮, 汪孝慈(2016年03月)。擴增實境應用於3D虛擬展場對於高齡族群臨場感及空間知覺力之影響研究。第23屆中華民國人因工程學會年會暨學術研討會。 47.Uang, S.T.*, Liu, C. L. (2015, Jan). An eco-pleasurable design by integrating TRIZ and eco-efficient approaches. The 2nd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, 台灣桃園. 48.Liu, C. L.*, Uang, S. T. (2015, Jan). Effects of characteristics of cues on perception for the elderly in 3D environments. The 2nd International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, 台灣桃園. 49.Uang, S.T.*, Liu, C. L. (2015, Jul). An Innovative Product Design Approach – Using Ergonomic Musculoskeletal Checklists to Develop Assistive Devices. International Conference on Innovation and Management, 日本札幌. 50.Liu, C. L.*, Uang, S. T. (2015, Aug). A study of presence and recognition on impacting the elder consumer behavior in 3D virtual stores. The 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, 澳洲墨爾本. 51.Liu, C. L.*, Uang, S. T. (2016, Jul). A study of effects of perceptual cues on presence for the elderly in 3D virtual store. 2016 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control (EI), Xian, China. 52.Liu, C. L.*, Lai, R. L., Uang, S. T. (2016, Jul). A study of sustained attention improving by fuzzy sets in supervisory tasks. 2016 International Conference on Quality, Reliability, Risk, Maintenance, and Safety Engineering & 2016 World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Jiuzhaigou, Sichuan, China. 53.Liu, C. L.*, Uang, S. T., Kuo, S. C. (2016, Oct). An efficient fuzzy control model for improving supervisory performance in automated system. The International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2016 (IMETI2016), Taichung, Taiwan. 54.Liu, C. L.*, Uang S. T. (2017). An efficient fuzzy alarm system for improving human performance in supervisory task. International Conference on Cybernetics, Robotics and Control (EI), Chengdu, China. 55.Liu, C. L.*, Lai, R. L., Uang, S. T. (2018). A fuzzy sets for the health in the elderly within a 3D virtual art gallery. 6th International Scientific Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Okinawa. 56. Su, K. W., Liu, C. L., Hsieh, C. I, Chen, Z. R. (2019, Aug). The design criteria of virtual reality in e-commerce. 50th Nordic Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (NES) Conference, Elsinore, Denmark. 57. Liu, C. L.*, Su, K. W. & Wu, H. C. (2019, Aug). An intelligent fuzzy system for combating cybersickness in the elderly within a virtual museum. 50th Nordic Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (NES) Conference, Elsinore, Denmark. 58.Liu, C. L., Lin, P. H., Su, K. W. (2019, Oct). A study of the effects of artistic mood and guide interface on presence, involvement and emotion for the elderly in a 3D virtual art gallery. The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 59.Lin, P. H., Liu, C. L., Su, K. W., Chen, J. H. (2019, Oct). Physical and psychological evaluations for 3D horrible films. The 4th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Taoyuan, Taiwan. 60.Liu, C. L.* & Uang, S. T. (2020, Oct). A fuzzy control model for the health of the senior visitors within a virtual museum. The 9th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2020 (IMETI2020), Taichung, Taiwan. 61.Liu, C. L., Uang, S. T. (2021, Mar). An effective navigation system for older consumers within a 3D virtual store. The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence and Ergonomics in Asia, Penghu, Taiwan. 62.Liu, C. L., Su, K. W., Lin, P. H., Uang, S. T. (2021, Mar). 3D virtual museum designed for older visitors to combat the cybersickness. The 5th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence & Ergonomics in Asia, Penghu, Taiwan. 63.Liu, C. L.*, Uang, S. T. (2022, Oct). A fuzzy system with virtual reality for testing mild cognitive impairment. The 11th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2022, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. 64.Liu, C. L., Uang, S. T. (2022, Nov). A virtual reality on cognition training system for improving cognitive degeneration. The 6th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence & Ergonomics in Asia, Penghu, Taiwan. 65.Liu, C. L.* & Uang, S. T. (2023, Nov). A new approach for navigation in the elderly within a virtual store shopping. International Conference On Sustainable Design And Innovative Industries (ICSDII 2023), Taichung, Taiwan. 66.Liu, C. L., Uang, S. T. (2024, Feb). 3d receiver operating characteristic (roc) used to evaluate the mild cognitive impairment. The 7th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence & Ergonomics in Asia, Nagoya, Japan. |
專書 | 1.Liu, C. L*, Su, K. W.. A design of collaborative learning system based on PDA for improving performance of real-time learning.. Combining E-Learning and M-Learning: New Applications of Blended Educational Resources (ISBN: ISBN13: 9781609604813). Hershey, PA: IGI Globa. Feb, 2011: P.195-P.211. 2.吳欣潔,陳協慶,劉正禮,王家濠(2014年02月)。人因工程實驗設計與實習,(ISBN:978-986-5937-84-3)(2)。中華民國,台中:滄海書局。 |
學(經)歷 | 中華大學-科技管理所 博士 元智大學-工業工程學系 碩士 |
學術專長 | 電腦輔助設計與製造、電腦輔助工程設計、可程式控制、作業研究、管理數學 |
專業證照 | Adobe與Certiport 其他相關證照-ACA Dreamweaver CS5証照 Adobe與Certiport 其他相關證照-ACA Flash CS3証照 Adobe與Certiport 其他相關證照-ACA Photoshop CS3証照 Autodesk 國際認證 其他相關證照-AutoCAD 2011國際認證 Autodesk 國際認證 其他相關證照-Autodesk Inventor 2010國際認證 Autodesk 國際認證 其他相關證照-Autodesk Inventor 2011國際認證 Autodesk國際認證 其他相關證照-3ds Max Design國際認證 Autodesk國際認證 其他相關證照-AutoCAD 2013國際認證 Autodesk國際認證 其他相關證照-Autodesk Inventor 2013國際認證 Autodesk國際認證 其他相關證照-Autodesk Revit 2013國際認證 Autodesk國際認證 其他相關證照-Autodesk Revit Architure 2011國際認證 CEO國際認證中心 其他相關證照-MWM-多媒體網站管理師 中國工業工程學會 其他相關證照-工業工程師 中國工業工程學會 其他相關證照-生產與作業管理技術師 中國工業工程學會 其他相關證照-品質管理技術師 全球考試中心-Certiport 其他相關證照-IC³ Internetand Computing Core Certification 行政院勞工委員會 乙級證照-電腦輔助機械製圖乙級 行政院勞工委員會 丙級證照-鉗工 行政院勞工委員會 丙級證照-電腦輔助立體製圖 勞委會 乙級證照-電腦軟體應用技術士 |
授課科目 | (C5130007)實務專題、(H5110005)電腦輔助繪圖、(H5130006)程式設計 |
聯絡方式 | 分機:61635,E-mail: liuht@mail.vnu.edu.tw |
獲獎榮譽 | 優良教師; 萬能科技大學; 校內; 2014/9 優良導師; 萬能科技大學; 校內; 2014/8 優良導師; 萬能科技大學; 校內; 2013/8 工業工程論文獎; 中國工業工程學會; 學術論文; 2008/11 優良教師; 萬能科技大學; 校內; 2008/1 優良導師; 萬能科技大學; 校內; 2003/8 優良導師; 萬能科技大學; 校內; 2003/2 工業工程論文獎; 中國工業工程學會; 學術論文; 2001/11 |
研究計畫 | 三次元量測與立體繪圖整合案;103-CI-DP-IE-02; 民間產學合作計畫;2014/12/1; 2015/11/30; 167,000;計畫主持人 CNC車銑複合加工製程夾持探討;;民間產學合作計畫;2014/7/1; 2015/6/30; 100,000;共同主持人 提升設計部門專案管理能力;102-CI-DP-IE-10;民間產學合作計畫;2014/6/1; 2015/5/31; 100,000;共同主持人 模組化圖文資料庫規劃案; 102-CI-DP-IE-03; 民間產學合作計畫;2013/12/1; 2014/11/30; 100,000;計畫主持人 提升設計部門電腦立體繪圖能力計畫;102-CI-DP-IE-01;民間產學合作計畫;2013/9/1; 2014/2/28; 100,000;共同主持人 欣安國際行銷物流中心規劃; 101-CI-DP-IE-04; 民間產學合作計畫;2012/12/1; 2013/5/31; 100,500;計畫主持人 移動式倉庫管理資訊系統研發案; 100-CI-DP-MI-04; 民間產學合作計畫;2011/12/1; 2012/5/31; 100,500;共同主持人 運用雲端服務導入SAP Business One於茶零售業; 民間產學合作計畫;2012/11/1; 2013/5/31; 100,500;共同主持人 新川連鎖藥局物流中心規劃; 99-CI-DP-MI-04; 民間產學合作計畫; 2010/10/1; 2011/3/31; 100,500;計畫主持人 物流業揀貨裝箱作業的自動化排列研究; NSC 98-2221-E-238-014-; 國科會計畫; 2009/8/1; 2010/7/31; 245,000;計畫主持人 半離散幾何資料應用於自動化馬克排版; NSC 97-2221-E-238-012-; 國科會計畫; 2008/8/1; 2009/7/31; 281,000;計畫主持人 分支界限搜尋法應用於自動化排版;NSC92-2622-E-238-022-CC3; 國科會計畫; 2003/12/01; 2004/11/30; 240,800;計畫主持人 |
期刊論文 | Chia-Cheng Liu, Yan-Kuen Wu and Yung-Yih Lur*, On the max-nilpotent t-norm powers of a fuzzy matrix, Fuzzy Sets and Systems ,(271) 70-80, 15 July 2015 (SCI: 1.749; IF:21/247 Mathematics, Applied) Yan-Kuen Wu*, Chia-Cheng Liu and Yung-Yih Lur, Pareto-optimal solution for multiple objective linear programming problems with fuzzy goals, Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making, 14 43-55. (2015)(SCI) Ching-Feng Wen, Chia-Cheng Liu and Yung-Yih Lur*, Fixed points of functions with max-weighted quasi-arithmetic mean operator, Linear Algebra and Its Applications 445 ) 302-315. (2014(SCI: 0.968; IF:84/247 Mathematics, Applied) Heng Ma, Tsueng-Fang Tsai and Chia-Cheng Liu, “Real-time Monitoring of Water Quality using Temporal Trajectory of Live Fish,” Expert Systems With Applications, 37(7), 5158-5171 (2010).(SCI) Heng Ma, Chia-Cheng Liu (2007), "A 2-D Profile Packing Approach for Multi-Torch Flame Cutting," International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 45, No. 12, pp. 2841-2857.(SCI) Heng Ma, Chia-Cheng Liu (2007), "Fast Nesting of 2-D Sheet Parts with Arbitrary Shapes Using a Greedy Method and Semi-discrete Representations," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 273-282.(SCI) Heng Ma, Wen-Wei Yang and Chia-Cheng Liu(2007), "Off-line Chinese-based Signature Verification using a Threshold Self-organizing Map," Journal of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 24, No. 3, pp. 225-235. (EI)(獲選工業工程論文獎) 謝日章,孫衙聰與劉家盛(2005), "應用霍普菲爾-坦克類神經網路於單機排程延遲時間與調備時間最小化研究," 萬能學報, 第27期, August 2005, pp.145-162. Tseng, Yuan-Jye, Chen, Y.-D. and Liu, C.-C. (2001), “NC Machining of Freeform Curves Using Biarc Approximation,” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 17, No. 11, June, pp. 783-790.(SCI) Tseng, Yuan-Jye, and Liu, Chia-Cheng (2001), “Concurrent analysis of machining sequences and fixturing setups for minimizing setup changes for machining mill-turn parts,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 39, No. 18, December, pp. 4197-4214.(SCI) 劉家盛與鄭元杰(2000),"車銑切削加工複合工件之夾具夾持分析," 中國工業工程學刊, Vol. 17, No. 3, May 2000, pp 331-340.(EI)(獲選工業工程論文獎) Chia-Cheng Liu, Yan-Kuen Wu, Yung-Yih Lur* and Chia-Lun Tsai, On the power sequence of a fuzzy matrix with convex combination of max-product and max-min operations. (Submitted to Fuzzy Sets and Systems) |
研討會論文 | Chia-Cheng Liu, Yung-Yih Lur, Yan-Kuen Wu*(2014), Minimizing a linear objective function subject to Fuzzy relational inequalities with addition-min composition, Business and Information, Osaka, 3-5 July 2014, pp. 3967-3971 Chia-Cheng Liu, Yan-Kuen Wu* and Yung-Yih Lur(2013), Application of revised Two-Phase approach to fuzzy multi-objective aggregate production planning problems, Business and Information, Bali, 7-9 July 2013, pp. F182-F183 Chia-Cheng Liu, Jiing-Yurn Lyu, Yan-Kuen Wu and Sy-Ming Guu(2012), An Algorithm for Solving Linear Optimization Problems Subject to a System of Fuzzy Relational Inequalities with the Max-Einstein Composition, Fifth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, CSO 2012, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, June 23-26, 2012, pp. 221-225 Wen-Wei Yang, Chia-Cheng Liu, Ching-Feng Wen and Yung-Yih Lur*(2012), On Simultaneously Nilpotent Fuzzy Matrices over Max-nilpotent Operations, Fifth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, CSO 2012, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China, June 23-26, 2012, pp. 217-220. Chia-Cheng Liu, Yan-Kuen Wu and Yung-Yih Lur*(2011), Convergence of a fuzzy matrix with max-generalized product operation, 2011 Annual International Conference on Operations Research and Statistics (ORS2011) 7‐8 April 2011, ORS2011, Global Science & Technology Forum, Penang, Malaysia. Ching-Feng Wen*, Chia-Cheng Liu, Yan-Kuen Wu and Yung-Yih Lur (2011), A Numerical Method for the Continuous Leontief Production Model with Quadratic Objective Function, 2011 Annual International Conference on Operations Research and Statistics (ORS2011) 7‐8 April 2011, ORS2011, Global Science & Technology Forum, Penang, Malaysia. Chia-Cheng Liu, Yung-Yih Lur, and Yan-Kuen Wu (2010), Solution procedure for the best approximatw solution of a particular fuzzy relational equations with max-Lukaseiwicz composition, 2010 8th IEEE International Conference On Industrial Informatics, Osaka University, July 13-16, 2010, pp.423-428. (EI) Chia-Cheng Liu, Yung-Yih Lur, and Yan-Kuen Wu (2010), On the max-geometric mean powers of a fuzzy matrix, 2010 Third International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and optimization, May 28-31, 2010, pp.213-217. (EI) Yan-Kuen Wu ,Chia-Cheng Liu, Yung-Yih Lur, and Sy-Ming Guu (2010), One simple procedure to finding the best approximate solution for a particular fuzzy relational equation with max-min composition, 2010 Third International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and optimization, May 28-31, 2010, pp.141-144. (EI) 謝日章與劉家盛(2009), "應用基因演算法於台灣每月尖峰電力需求預測”, 2009 第三屆創新管理學術與實務研討會, 中壢市, 萬能科技大學, 2009年6月5日, pp.854-886. 馬恆,劉家盛與林子淵(2009), "物流業揀貨自動化裝箱問題之探討”, 2009 第三屆創新管理學術與實務研討會, 中壢市, 萬能科技大學, 2009年6月5日,pp.792-803. Chia-Cheng Liu (2009), “Nesting in the Clothing Industry Using Semi-Discrete Representations,” 2009 Internation Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization, Sanya, Hainan Island, China, 24 to 26 April 2009, pp 908-912. 許良僑,馬恆,劉家盛與楊雅玲(2007), "應用基因演算法於多重因子影響下服務時間推估之研究:以美髮服務業為例,” 銘傳大學2007國際學術研討會, 台北市, 銘傳大學, 2007年3月23日. 劉家盛,吳宇建,蔡翠芳與馬恆(2007), "結合PDA 與神經網路作為行動車牌自動辨識系統2007資訊管理暨商務科技研討會, 斗六市, 環球技術學院, 2007年5月4日. 劉家盛,蔡翠芳與馬恆(2006), "使用活體魚之時間序列軌跡作為水質監控的研究," 中華民國工業工程學會95年年會論文集, 台中市, 東海大學, 2006年12月23日. 馬恆,劉家盛與林晏生(2006), "運用基因演算法之馬克排板," 中華民國工業工程學會95年年會論文集, 台中市, 東海大學, 2006年12月23日. 馬恆,劉家盛與林沅勳(2006), "自動化立體產品包裝及裝箱研究," 中華民國工業工程學會95年年會論文集, 台中市, 東海大學, 2006年12月23日. 馬恆,劉家盛與陳育榆(2006), "自動化車牌辨識系統," 中華民國工業工程學會95年年會論文集, 台中市, 東海大學, 2006年12月23日. Chia-Cheng Liu, Heng Ma(2006), "String Filtering of a Large String Collection on Mobile Devices using a Neural Network," 9th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, 8 to 11 October 2006, pp 864-869. 馬恆,劉家盛,蔡翠芳與謝日章(2005), "自動化物件排版使用半離散幾何表示法," 中華民國工業工程學會94年年會論文集, 新竹市, 中華大學, 2005年12月17日. (現場發表) 蔡翠芳,馬恆與劉家盛(2005), "電子商務中大量固定長度字串快速存在查詢機制使用神經網路," 2005年電子商務經營管理研討會,台中市,逢甲大學, 2005年12月9日. (現場發表) Heng Ma, Chia-Cheng Liu And Tsueng-Fang Tsai (2005), "On Arranging 2-D Profiles on a Rectangular Metal Plate for Multi-tool Cutting Machines," 6th Asia Pacific Industrial Engineering and Management Conference, Manila, Philippines, December 4 – 7, 2005. Wu. Yan-Kuen, Guu, Sy-Ming and Liu, Chia-Cheng(2003), "An average operator method for solving the multi-objective fuzzy relation programming with max-product composition," Proceedings of 8th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering -Engineering -Theory ,Applications and Practice, November 10-12 2003, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Tseng, Yuan-Jye, and Liu, Chia-Cheng(2000), “Concurrent analysis of machining sequences and fixturing setups for minimizing setup change for machining mill-turn parts,” Proceedings of The 5rth Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering -Theory, Applications and Practice, December 13-15 2000, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 劉家盛與鄭元杰(1999),"車銑切削加工複合工件之夾持分析", 中華民國工業工程學會88年年會論文集, 新竹市, 清華大學, 1999年12月18日.(現場發表) 劉家盛與鄭元杰(1998), "雙弧逼近不規則曲面進行刀具路徑產生及切削," 中華民國工業工程學會87年年會論文集, 彰化縣, 大葉大學, 1998年12月13日.(現場發表) |
學(經)歷 | 清華大學-動力機械 博士 清華大學-動力機械 碩士 國立台北教育大學-藝術與造形設計學系碩士學位在職進修專班 碩士 |
學術專長 | 精密加工製造、工程材料、電腦輔助設計與製造、電腦輔助繪圖、精密機械機構設計、液晶顯示光學元件製程 、光學色彩模擬 |
專業證照 | 行政院勞委會 丙級證照-自來水管配管 國家通訊傳播委員會 丙級證照-業餘無線電人員 電腦技能基金會 乙級證照-AutoCAD2006 2D |
授課科目 | (C5210003)電腦輔助繪圖(一)、(C5220016)智慧化電腦整合製造、(H5210005)電腦輔助繪圖(一)、(Y5210102)電腦輔助繪圖(一)、(Y5230104)機構學 |
聯絡方式 | 分機:61647,E-mail: stanyan@mail.vnu.edu.tw |
研究計畫 | (97)顏丹青;LCD彩色元件製程不良品解析;企業產學計畫(含公營及私人企業);2008/12/11;2009/12/10;$61,500 (97)顏丹青;遠紅外線對人體體質改善之光電效應研究;企業產學計畫(含公營及私人企業);2008/12/16;2009/9/15;$51,500 (98)顏丹青;高速精微加工機台設計人才培育;企業產學計畫案;2009/3/1;1010/2/28;$153,600 (98)顏丹青;高對準精度光罩對準曝光開發技術能力之診斷研究;其他單位產學計畫;2009/3/1 ;2009/8/31;$72,000 (98)顏丹青;高性能彩色濾片製造允差系統之發展;國科會;2009/8/1;2010/7/31;$344,000 (98)顏丹青;液晶面板製程技術及設備實務模組課程;政府其他案件;2009/7/1;2010/7/31;$810,000 (99)顏丹青;彩色濾光片外觀品味分類校正系統之研製;國科會;2010/8/1;2011/7/31;$379,000 |
期刊論文 | 1. T. C. Yen and P. L. Tso, “Improvement of Pattern Fidelity in Triangle Arrangement LCD’s Color Filter by Optical Proximity Correction Mask Design Method”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 15, No.12 (December 2005), pp. 2461-2468. 2. T. C. Yen and P. L. Tso, “An Effective Fabrication Method for Producing Color Filters of Liquid Crystal Displays”, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vo. 43, No. 7A, 2004, pp. 4229-4233. 3. T. C. Yen and P. L. Tso, “Fine Line-width Black Matrix of Color Filter by Advanced Polishing Method”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 14, No.7 (July 2004), pp. 867-875. |
研討會論文 | (97);顏丹青;Advanced Fabrication Process of Fine Line-width Black Matrix of LCD’s Color Filter;第一作者;萬能科技大學第三屆電資科技應用與發展學術研討會;NATTWN-台灣,中華民國;中壢;2008/12/19;2008/12/19;2008 (97)顏丹青;高開口率反射式LCD用整合型BM彩色濾光片技術;第一作者;萬能科技大學第三屆電資科技應用與發展學術研討會;NATTWN-台灣,中華民國;中壢;2008/12/19;2008/12/19;2008 (98)顏丹青;新世代液晶顯示器彩色濾光片製程研究;第一作者;2009兩岸機電暨產學合作學術研討會;NATTWN-台灣,中華民國;新竹;2009/11/25;2009/11/25;2009 (98)顏丹青;利用光學近接效應修正彩色濾光片光罩技術改善液晶顯示器對比性能;第一作者;2009第二屆積體光機電科技應用與發展學術會議;NATTWN-台灣,中華民國;台北;2009/3/18;2009/3/18;2009 (98)顏丹青;彩色濾光片圖形擬真度之研究;第一作者;萬能科技大學第四屆電資科技應用與發展學術研討會;NATTWN-台灣,中華民國;桃園;2009/12/10;2009/12/10;2009 (99)顏丹青;Ultra-High Aperture Ratio Color Filter for Reflective Liquid Crystal Display; 第一作者;2010精密機械與製造科技研討會;中華民國99年5月;高苑科技大學;屏東;台灣 (99)顏丹青;高解析度LCD黑色遮光層製程研究;第一作者;2010第四屆積體光機電科技應用與智慧財產權實務研討會;中華民國99年3月;中華科技大學;台北;台灣 |
專書 | 1. 顏丹青。次世代液晶顯示器用彩色濾光片元件之平坦化製程技術開發與擬真度評價指標系統。國立清華大學 動力機械工程學系博士論文。中華民國94年12月6日。 2. 左培倫,顏丹青。CAD/CAM應用實務─Mastercam Design。宏昊科技。中華民國85年9月1日。 3. 顏丹青。肘節機構之電腦輔助合成。國立清華大學 動力機械工程研究所碩士論文。中華民國83年6月20日。 |
專利發明 | 1.顏丹青、鄭其銘、郭光埌,「彩色濾光片製程」。 中華民國專利,證書號碼:發明第I 250318號,中華民國95年3月1日。 2.顏丹青,「黑色矩陣的製作方法」。中華民國專利,公告號碼:00583453,專利證書號碼:200535。中華民國93年4月11日。 3.鄭其銘、顏丹青、郭光埌,「修補彩色濾光片之缺陷的方法及其裝置」。中華民國專利,申請號碼:93110930 。中華民國93年4月20日。 4.顏丹青,「黑色矩陣與彩色濾光片的製作方法」。 中華人民共和國專利,證書號碼:第280689號,2006年8月30日。 5.鄭其銘、顏丹青、郭光埌,「修補彩色濾光片之缺陷的方法及其裝置 」。中華人民共和國專利,申請號碼:200410038005.X 。2004年5月12日。 6.顏丹青,「彩色濾光片製程 」。中華人民共和國專利,申請號碼:200410096723.2 。2004年12月1日。 7.Tan-Ching Yen, “COLOR FILTER PROCESS .” U.S. Patent, application number: 11/001,195. 2004.11.30. |
學(經)歷 | 元智大學-機械工程研究所 博士 |
學術專長 | 機械製造,工具工程,CAD/CAM/CAE,燃料電池,熱質對流,內燃機 |
專業證照 | 行政院勞委會 乙級證照-鉗工 勞動部 乙級證照 -銑床-CNC銑床 勞動部 乙級證照 -車床-CNC車床 行政院勞委會 丙級證照-鉗工 行政院勞委會 丙級證照-車床工 行政院勞委會 丙級證照-重機械修護-引擎 |
授課科目 | (C5220008)電腦輔助製造與實習(一)、(C5230008)曲面建構模型、(D5510006)電腦輔助設計與製造、(Y5230103)數值控制加工進階實習(一) |
聯絡方式 | 分機:61642,E-mail: engine@mail.vnu.edu.tw |
期刊論文 | Ming-Hsiung Ho, Pin-Ning Wang, Shun-Chi Kuo “Research on the Low Cycle Fatigue Properties of PC/ABS Blend” Advanced Materials Research Vol. 1095 (2015) pp 938-941© (2015)(EI) Ting-Chu Jao, Guo-Bin Jung, Shun-Chi Kuo, Wei-Jen Tzeng, Ay Su “Degradation mechanism study of PTFE/Nafion membrane in MEA utilizing an accelerated degradation technique” international journal of hydrogen energy 37 pp 3623-3630 2012(SCI) Shun-Chi KUO,Shu-Lung WANG.AySU “Thermosolutal Convection in Annular Enclosure with Partially Conductive Outer-Cylinder” 2011 International Conference on Consumer Electronics, Communications and Networks, CECNet 2011 -Proceedings, pp 4594-4599, 2011, (EI) |
研討會論文 | 胡雅慧,林高輝,郭順奇,胡凡勳,謝泓鈞“藍牙雙軸電子水平儀之研製與應用” 第十六屆全國機構與機器設計學術研討會 論文編號:conf-084_1 中華民國一Ο二年十一月一日 |
專書 | 彭秀量,胡凡勳,郭順奇 CNC銑床切削加工機” ISBN9789869118774 (2015) |
學(經)歷 | 國立臺灣大學-物理學研究所 博士 |
學術專長 | III-V 族半導體發光元件光譜研究, 非晶矽及多晶半導體材料研究, 平面顯示器技術開發研究 |
授課科目 | |
聯絡方式 | 分機:61633,E-mail: yddai@mail.vnu.edu.tw |
研究計畫 | 計畫名稱 補助或委託機構 起訖年月 計畫內擔任的工作 經費總額 植物生產流程經濟效能規劃 佳旺農場股份有限公司 20180801/20190731 計畫主持人 100,000 植物照明光譜配比研究 靖燁有限公司 20180101~20181231 計畫主持人 100,000 立體光阻製程開發 台灣新視訊股份有限公司 20170801~20180331 計畫主持人 200,000 奈米光電感測油墨製程開發 萱譜系統科技有限公司 1050901~1060731 計畫主持人 100,000 複合式奈米技術材料研究 展越精密股份有限公司 20160301~20161231 計畫主持人 100,000 LED產業技術學分學程 教育部 2014/09-2015/06 計畫主持人 440,000 智慧植物工廠控制系統開發 太元通信企業社 2015/8-2015/12 計畫主持人 100,000 高遮蔽率觸控光阻開發 萱譜系統科技有限公司 2015/6-2015/12 計畫主持人 100,000 智慧恆溫空調植物生長 經濟部工業局 2014/05~2014/10 計畫主持人 220,000 新型反射式LED霧燈設計 藍晶光電科技股份有限公司 2014/06~2014/10 計畫主持人 300,000 觸控面板材料研究 萱譜系統科技有限公司 2014/03~2014/12 計畫主持人 100,000 觸控面板微影製程開發 達振光電股份有限公司 2013/01 ~2013/12 計畫主持人 124,000 3DLED車燈技術之開發 藍晶光電科技股份有限公司 2013/05 ~2013/08 計畫主持人 320,000 觸控微影技術之研究計畫 宸鴻光電股份有限公司TPK 2012/01 ~2012/12 計畫主持人 200,000 平面光源車用LED尾燈開發與量測 藍晶光電科技股份有限公司 2012/07 ~2012/10 計畫主持人 300,000 車用節能照明技術開發 教育部委託科學園區 2011/02/1 至 2011/12/31 計畫主持人 560,000 植物照明系統技術評估 財團法人金屬工業中心 2011/08/1 至 2011/12/31 計畫主持人 72,000 車用照明技術之研究 藍晶光電科技股份有限公司 2010/08/1 至 2011/7/31 計畫主持人 200,000 LED車燈電路機構之開發 藍晶光電科技股份有限公司 2010/01/18 至 2011/1/17 計畫主持人 100,000 液晶面板製程技術及設備實務 科學工業園區管理局 2009/07/01 至 2010/07/31 協同主持人 810,000 公司營運現況及轉型發展診斷 財團法人金屬工業中心 2009/04/01 至 2009/09/30 計畫主持人 72,000 跑步機顯示模組整合設計開發 翰重尼克股份有限公司 2010/07/01 至 2010/12/31 計畫主持人 72,000 近場通訊(NFC)行動支付系統模組開發 可富科技股份有限公司 2009/08/01 至 2010/03/31 計畫主持人 400,000 液晶封裝之研究-三 廣富群光電股份有限公司 2008/12/01 至 2009/11/30 計畫主持人 120,000 國立臺北科技大學創新育成中心 經濟部中小企業處 2009/06/01 至 2009/06/30 計畫主持人 20,000 資通訊應用產業諮詢及診斷 台北市電腦商業同業公會 2009/06/01 至 2010/03/31 計畫主持人 60,000 液晶模組封裝製程及設備技術開發 科學園區管理局 2008/02/01 至 2008/07/31 計畫主持人 780,000 液晶顯示器設施建構與實作教學 教育部 2007/06/26 至 2007/12/20 計畫主持人 4,000,000 The study of Cell Process Technology for Liquid Crystal 廣富群光電股份有限公司 2007/08/01 至 2008/07/31 計畫主持人 300,000 The study of Cell Process Technology for Liquid Crystal 廣富群光電股份有限公司 2006/08/01 至 2007/07/31 計畫主持人 120,000 液晶顯示器設施建構與實作教學 教育部 2006/06/26 至 2006/12/20 計畫主持人 4,000,000 |
期刊論文 | 1.液晶實驗室及企業實習成果介紹 98教育部電子報邀稿 (2009) 2.軟性電子漏電流問題之研究與改善 兩岸三地無線電通訊研討會 (2009) 3.Observation of double cyclotron resonance in modulation-doped InAlAs/InGaAs heterostructure by optical detection The 29th Seminar in Science and Technology-Optoelectronics Japan Tokyo 1996 4.Photoluminescence and photothermal deflection spectroscopy in InAs quantum dots Annual meeting of Chinese Physical Society 1997 5.Temperature dependence of photoluminescence spectra in InAs/GaAs quantum dot superlattices with large thickness Annual meeting of Chinese Physical Society 1997 6.Spectroscopic studies of the effects of surface segregation of In atoms on GaAlAs/InGaAs/GaAs high electron mobility transistor Optics and photonics,1997 7.Observation of quantum confinement effects in strained Si0.84Ge0.16/Si quantum wells at room temperature 第二作者 SCI Appl. Phys. Lett Vol. 62, 2713 (1993) 8.Photoinduced absorption studied by photothermal deflection spectroscopy: its application to the determination of the energy of dangling-band states in α-Si:H第二作者 SCI Chinese J, Phys Vol.31, 767 (1993) 9.Study of InAlAs/InGaAs heterojuntion bipolar transistor layers by optically detected cyclotron resonance 第三作者 SCI Appl. Phys. Lett Vol. 66, 2543 (1995) 10.Cyclotron-resonance studies in relaxed InxGa1-xAs(0≦x≦1) epilayers 第二作者 SCI Phys. Rev. B Vol. 51. 17648 (1995) 11.Dependence of electron effective mass on alloy composition of InAlGaAs lattice matched to InP studied by optically detected cyclotron resonance 第二作者SCI Appl. Phys. Lett Vol. 67 1256 (1995) 12.Observation of spin-splitting crossing between subbands in the optically detected cyclotron-resonance spectra of In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Ga0.48As heterojunctions 第三作者 SCI Phys. Rev. B Vol. 52, 4692 (1995) 13.Observation of double cyclotron resonance in modulation-δ-doped In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As heterostructure by optical detection 第二作者 SCI Appl. Phys.Lett Vol. 68, 117 (1996) 14.Optically detected cyclotron resonance studies of mulisubband In0.52Al0.48As /In0.53Ga0.47As quantum wells 第一作者 SCI J. of Physicas D., Appl. Phys Vol. 29, 3089 (1996) 15.Anomalous temperature dependence of persistent photoconductivity in C60 single crystal 第三作者 SCI Appl. Phys. Lett Vol. 69, 2665 (1996) 16.Effects of band offset and nonparabolicity on the effective mass of two-dimensional electron gas in modulation-δ-doped GaInAs-based heterostructures 第一作者 SCI Phys. Rev.B Vol. 55 5235 (1997) 17.hotoluminescence and photothermal deflection spectroscopy of InAs quantum dot superlattices grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy 第一作者 SCI Jpn. J. Appl. Phys Vol. 36, L811 (1997) 18.Temperature dependence of photoluminescence spectra in InAs/GaAs quantum dot superlattices with large thickness 第一作者 SCI Appl.Phys.Lett. Vol. 82 (1997) 19.Nonparabolicity and effective mass of conduction electrons in In1-xGaxAs alloys第一作者 SCI Chinese J.Phys Vol. 36 (1998) 20.Studies of two-subband occupied electron gas in modulation-doped In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As single quantum well by far-infrared modulated photoluminescence第一作者 SCI J,Appl.Phys Vol. 83 (1998) 21.軟性電子光電特性問題之研究與改善 萬能電資研討會 (2008) 23.軟性電子驅動IC封裝製程可靠度之研究與改善 第三屆積體光機電科技與智慧財產權實務會議 (2009) 24.利用OP製作量測太陽能晶圓阻值得探測儀 萬能電資研討會 (2009) 25.軟性電子封裝不良原因探討與解決方法之研究 萬能電資研討會 (2009) 26.液晶面板製程技術及設備實務專業人才培育模組課程之探討 第五屆萬能電資研討會 p. 27 (2010) 27.噴墨印刷技術應用於彩色濾光片之研究 第五屆萬能電資研討會 p. 28 (2010) |
研討會論文 | 1.液晶實驗室及企業實習成果介紹 98教育部電子報邀稿 (2009) 2.軟性電子漏電流問題之研究與改善 兩岸三地無線電通訊研討會 (2009) 3.Observation of double cyclotron resonance in modulation-doped InAlAs/InGaAs heterostructure by optical detection The 29th Seminar in Science and Technology-Optoelectronics Japan Tokyo 1996 4.Photoluminescence and photothermal deflection spectroscopy in InAs quantum dots Annual meeting of Chinese Physical Society 1997 5.Temperature dependence of photoluminescence spectra in InAs/GaAs quantum dot superlattices with large thickness Annual meeting of Chinese Physical Society 1997 6.Spectroscopic studies of the effects of surface segregation of In atoms on GaAlAs/InGaAs/GaAs high electron mobility transistor Optics and photonics,1997 7.Observation of quantum confinement effects in strained Si0.84Ge0.16/Si quantum wells at room temperature 第二作者 SCI Appl. Phys. Lett Vol. 62, 2713 (1993) 8.Photoinduced absorption studied by photothermal deflection spectroscopy: its application to the determination of the energy of dangling-band states in α-Si:H第二作者 SCI Chinese J, Phys Vol.31, 767 (1993) 9.Study of InAlAs/InGaAs heterojuntion bipolar transistor layers by optically detected cyclotron resonance 第三作者 SCI Appl. Phys. Lett Vol. 66, 2543 (1995) 10.Cyclotron-resonance studies in relaxed InxGa1-xAs(0≦x≦1) epilayers 第二作者 SCI Phys. Rev. B Vol. 51. 17648 (1995) 11.Dependence of electron effective mass on alloy composition of InAlGaAs lattice matched to InP studied by optically detected cyclotron resonance 第二作者SCI Appl. Phys. Lett Vol. 67 1256 (1995) 12.Observation of spin-splitting crossing between subbands in the optically detected cyclotron-resonance spectra of In0.53Ga0.47As/In0.52Ga0.48As heterojunctions 第三作者 SCI Phys. Rev. B Vol. 52, 4692 (1995) 13.Observation of double cyclotron resonance in modulation-δ-doped In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As heterostructure by optical detection 第二作者 SCI Appl. Phys.Lett Vol. 68, 117 (1996) 14.Optically detected cyclotron resonance studies of mulisubband In0.52Al0.48As /In0.53Ga0.47As quantum wells 第一作者 SCI J. of Physicas D., Appl. Phys Vol. 29, 3089 (1996) 15.Anomalous temperature dependence of persistent photoconductivity in C60 single crystal 第三作者 SCI Appl. Phys. Lett Vol. 69, 2665 (1996) 16.Effects of band offset and nonparabolicity on the effective mass of two-dimensional electron gas in modulation-δ-doped GaInAs-based heterostructures 第一作者 SCI Phys. Rev.B Vol. 55 5235 (1997) 17.hotoluminescence and photothermal deflection spectroscopy of InAs quantum dot superlattices grown on GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy 第一作者 SCI Jpn. J. Appl. Phys Vol. 36, L811 (1997) 18.Temperature dependence of photoluminescence spectra in InAs/GaAs quantum dot superlattices with large thickness 第一作者 SCI Appl.Phys.Lett. Vol. 82 (1997) 19.Nonparabolicity and effective mass of conduction electrons in In1-xGaxAs alloys第一作者 SCI Chinese J.Phys Vol. 36 (1998) 20.Studies of two-subband occupied electron gas in modulation-doped In0.52Al0.48As/In0.53Ga0.47As single quantum well by far-infrared modulated photoluminescence第一作者 SCI J,Appl.Phys Vol. 83 (1998) 21.軟性電子光電特性問題之研究與改善 萬能電資研討會 (2008) 23.軟性電子驅動IC封裝製程可靠度之研究與改善 第三屆積體光機電科技與智慧財產權實務會議 (2009) 24.利用OP製作量測太陽能晶圓阻值得探測儀 第四萬能電資研討會 (2009) 25.軟性電子封裝不良原因探討與解決方法之研究 萬能電資研討會 (2009) 26.液晶面板製程技術及設備實務專業人才培育模組課程之探討 第五屆萬能電資研討會 p. 27 (2010) 27.噴墨印刷技術應用於彩色濾光片之研究 第五屆萬能電資研討會 p. 28 (2010) 29. LED車用照明電路設計與熱溫研究 第五屆積體光機電科技與智慧財產權實務會議 (2011) 30. LED應用於車用照明安全性提升與電路設計萬能科技大學第六屆電資科技應用與發展學術研討會 (2011) 31. Super Diamond LED之研究 第七屆電資科技應用與發展學術研討會 (2012) 32. 多波段LED燈對植物生長之研究 第七屆電資科技應用與發展學術研討會 (2012) 33. LED波長對植物生長之研究 第八屆電資科技應用與發展學術研討會 (2013) 34. 3D LED車燈技術 第八屆電資科技應用與發展學術研討會 (2013) 35. LED對植物吸收能譜之研究 第八屆積體光機電科技與智慧財產權實務研討會2014 36. 智慧恆溫空調植物生長冰箱 工程與電資科技應用學術論文發表研討會 2015 37. 新型複合式白色耐高溫觸控邊框油墨 工程與電資科技應用學術論文發表研討會 2015 38. 無線控制植物生長系統研究 萬能科技大學航空暨工程科技應用學術論文發表研討會 2016 39. 植物在不同的R/B光譜配比下之光照研究 萬能科技大學航空暨工程科技應用學術論文發表研討會 2017 40. 聚光功能的植物照明模擬研究 萬能科技大學航空暨工程科技應用學術論文發表研討會 2018 |
專書 | 液晶實驗室 潔淨實驗室設備: 液晶封裝室:PI塗佈、半自動點膠、液晶注入、壓合、加熱、配向、半自動偏光片貼合機 切割室:半自動切割機(300X400mm)、手動裂片機(370x470 mm) 黃光室:全自動TRACK(光阻塗佈、顯影、清洗) for color filter & photo spacer, unifor.< +-2%、 半自動曝光機 aligner(< 8") 量測儀: 500X Leica顯微鏡 (透射光& 落射光 & filter) 、 光學膜厚量測(15nm - 70µm) for ITO, PR, Si, SiOx, SiN, ....、波形產生器、電表、電源供應器等 Utility: 純水機、真空、空壓機、黃光潔淨室、N2。 |
專利發明 | High resolution and brightness full-color LED display manufactured using CMP technique”, US patent , Serial No. 748834, 2000. Manufacturing method of thin film transistor panel, US patent” , Serial No. 918511, 2001 “Polysilicon TFT with a self-aligned LDD structure, US patent” , Serial No. 008848, 2001. “Organic light emitting backlight device for liquid crystal display”, US patent , Serial No. 927530. 2001. “LCD panel integrated with oled”, US patent , Serial No. 964756, 2001. “一種全彩化發光二極體裝置及製造方法”, 中華民國專利, 486830, 2002 “薄膜電晶體面板的製造方法”, 中華民國專, 487958, 2002 “液晶顯示器之薄膜電晶體結構及其製造方法”, 中華民國專利, 166533, 2002. “低串連阻抗薄膜電晶體之製作方法”, 中華民國專利, 167019 , 2002. “Method for manufacturing thin film transistors” US patent ,6475835, 2002 “Method of forming a thin film transistor on a transparent plate”, US patent , Serial No. 152671, 2002 “形成薄膜電晶體於透明基板上之方法”, 中華民國專利, 516240, 2003. “具垂直結構之薄膜電晶體”, 中華民國專利, 527712, 2003. “形成薄膜電晶體於塑膠基板上的方法”, 中華民國專利, 531897, 2003. “薄膜電晶體形成方法”, 中華民國專利, 538544, 2003. “可撓式薄膜電晶體顯示器的製造方法”, 中華民國專利, 548853, 2003. “應用於液晶顯示器之間隙物整合於晶片上的製造方法”, 中華民國專利, 187243, 2003. “具有自我對準輕摻雜汲極結構之多晶矽薄膜電晶體”, 中華民國專利, 191581, 2003. “Method of forming a thin film transistor on a plastic sheet”, US patent , Serial No. 397237, 2003. “METHOD FOR FABRICATING THIN FILM TRANSISTOR DISPLAY DEVICE”, US patent , Serial No. 353180, 2003. “Reflective type thin film transistor display device and methods for fabricating the same”, US patent , Serial No. 373159, 2003. “Multilayer storage capacitors for a liquid crystal display panel and the method for fabricating the same”, US patent , Serial No. 366553, 2003. “薄膜電晶體顯示面板之製法”, 中華民國專利, 194262, 2004 “薄膜電晶體顯示器面板及其製法”, 中華民國專利, 195298, 2004. “反射型薄膜電晶體顯示面板及其製法”, 中華民國專利, 203530, 2004 “於液晶顯示器面板上製作儲存電容的方法及結構”, 中華民國專利, 200408874, 2004 “Method of forming a thin film transistor on a transparent plate”, US patent , Serial No. 845102, 2004 “Method of forming a thin film transistor on a transparent”, US patent, patent No. 6861301, 2005 “Method of forming a thin film transistor on a transparent”, US patent, patent No. 6861302, 2005 “Method of fabricating on-chip spacers for a TFT panel”, US patent, patent No. 6989299, 2006 “光學式光閥”, 中華民國專利, I278797, 2007 “具有可直接將實體即時地投影於屏幕上的數位式投影機”, 中華民國專利, M329190, 2008. “具有恆溫光源的投影機” 中華民國專利, M353389, 2008 “薄膜電晶體面板的製造方法” 中華民國專利, 200824123, 2008 “薄膜電晶體面板的製造方法” 中華民國專利, I317560 , 2009 “植物工廠照明裝置” 中華民國專利, 101139677, 2012 初審中 車燈 中華民國專利 M467581 , 2013 頭燈結構改良中華民國專利 M496577 2015 植物工廠照明系統 中華民國專利 I477231 2015 燈具之導光結構 中華民國專利 M513140 2015 具有立體成像的車燈結構 中華民國專利 M515979 2016 立體光影之車燈結構 中華民國專利 M548091 2017 汽車迎賓踏板之偵測裝置 中華民國專利 M561031 2018 |
學(經)歷 | 元智大學-機械系 博士 |
學術專長 | 機械領域:經濟部業界半固態研發、輕合金開發、壓鑄模開發設計、塑膠模開發設計製造、CNC程式加工、傳統機械加工、生產…等 (二)熱機領域:熱力熱流、熱機工學、引擎、流體力學、火災避難逃生、火場驗證模擬、數值分析 |
專業證照 | 鉗工丙級、堆高機操作、固定式起重機操作-架空式地面操作 |
授課科目 | (C5210004)物理(一)、(C5230009)精實生產:即時化生產、(C5230010)精實生產:豐田生產系統、(C5230011)精實生產:全面生產革新、(Y5220107)校外實習_學期(三)、(Y5240008)金屬切削原理 |
聯絡方式 | 分機:61631,E-mail: derchi528@mail.vnu.edu.tw |
學(經)歷 | 國立中央大學-數學研究所 碩士 |
學術專長 | 程式設計、統計品管、非破壞性檢測技術 |
專業證照 | Adobe與Certiport 其他相關證照-ACA Dreamweaver CS5証照 Adobe與Certiport 其他相關證照-ACA Photoshop CS3証照 勞委會 乙級證照-電腦軟體應用技術士 |
授課科目 | (C5210008)計算機應用、(V5210007)計算機應用 |
聯絡方式 | 分機:61637,E-mail: srchang@mail.vnu.edu.tw |
獲獎榮譽 | 優良論文奬;萬能科技大學;第三屆創新管理學術與實務研討會;98.06.05 |
研討會論文 | 2009年第三屆創新管理學術與實務研討會發表與劉正禮教授合著"以知識為基建構二次警戒監控電腦輔助訓練系統發展之新思維"論文一篇. |